According to Gregory calendar, on March 30, the day number in a year is 89 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 90. March 30 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 30 March in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1282The people of Sicily began to rebel against the rule of the Angevin king Charles I of Naples, starting the War of the Vespers.
1778Playwright Voltaire crowned with laurel wreath.
1814After defeating Napoleon Bonaporte the British army marched towards Paris.
1822The United States merged East Florida and West Florida into the Florida Territory.
1842American physician Crawford Long was the first to use diethyl ether as an anesthetic in a surgical procedure.
1842Ether was first used as an anesthetic.
1867US Secretary of State William H. Seward negotiates Alaska's Archak for USA$7.2 million from Russia.
1867America bought Alaska from Russia for $ 7 million.
1899A committee of the German Society of Chemistry invited other national scientific organizations to appoint representatives to form the International Committee on Atomic Weights.
1908Film actress Devika Rani was born in Visakhapatnam.
1918Bolshevik and Dashkak forces suppressed the Muslim insurgency in Azerbaijan, resulting in over 12,000 deaths.
1932The autobiography of Frank Lloyd Wright was published.
193368 people died in Tornado, southern United States.
1940Second Sino-Japanese War—Wang Jingwei officially installed Japan as the head of a puppet state in China.
1949The state of Rajasthan was established and Jaipur was made its capital.
1950Omar Ismail started the film Darah Dan Doa, the first formally recognized Indonesian film.
1950Murray Hill invented photo transistors.
1954The Yonge–University–Spadina Line, the first subway in Canada and the busiest in Toronto, opened.
1963Graham Hill won the 1963 Lambakh Trophy motor race.
1964Jorfee!, the popular American game show created by MervGriffin, made its debut on the NBC television network.
1972Vietnam War North Vietnamese forces launched the Easter Offensive in an attempt to gain as much territory as possible and possibly destroy as many units of the South Vietnamese Army.
1976In illegal occupied Palestine there was a huge demonstration called Land Day.
1981While trying to impress actress Jodie Foster, fan shot John Hinckley, Jr. and killed US President Ronald Reagan and three mothers in Washington, D.C. I was injured outside the Hilton Hotel.
1982NASA's spacecraft Columbia returned to Earth by completing the STS-3 mission.
1992Renowned filmmaker Satyajit Ray was honored with the Honor Oscar Award.
1996The New York Mets defeated the New York Yankees 5–3 in an exhibition game.
1998The 60th NCCA Men's Basketball Championship was held at the Alamodome in San Antonio.
1998Some 3000-year-old glossaries engraved on a sheep bone were found in Shandong, northern part of China.
2002Renowned musician Anand Bakshi died.
2005Famous cartoonist and author O.V. Vijayan died.
2006Hindi prose, novelist, satirist and journalist Manohar Shyam Joshi died.
2009Twelve gunmen stormed the Manawan Police Training School in Lahore, Pakistan, and held it for several hours before security forces retaliated.
2011Peruvians retrieve 45000inca artifacts taken from Machu Picchu 100 years ago by Yale University, finally succeeding in campaign to return Peru's dignity and pride.
2012VISA and Mastercard have warned that a security arm compromised more than 10 million credit cards.
2012Evidence of citrus, the disease that has killed millions of citrus trees in Brazen and Florida, is found in a relict area in Los Angeles Country, California.
2012Spain's budget stuck in recession was cut by 27 billion euros.
2013Uhuru Kenyatta is declared the rightful winner of Kenya's presidential election by the Supreme Court of Kenya.
2013Northwest Africa 7325, a green meteorite found in Morocco, 2012 may have originated on the planet Mercury, making it the first known meteorite from Mercury, if scientists are correct.
2014Slovakia sets a new precedent by electing Lady Kiska, a millionaire, as president; Mr. Kiska
2014Frozen, which was an Oscar-winning film, beat Toy Story 3 over the weekend to become the highest-grossing animated film in history.

Important Historical Events of 30 March in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
2010Ships of 8 Indians are hijacked and 120 vendors are abducted by petty pirates and off the coast of Kismayo.

Important Days of 30 March National & International Days 🏁

Rajasthan Day Or Rajasthan Foundation DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 30 March 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1908Devika Rani / Actress / India
1899Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay / Author / India
1908Devika Rani / Actress / India
1908Smt. Devika Rani / Actress / India
1967Nagesh Kukunoor / Actor / India
1977Abhishek Chaubey / Writer / India

See full list of famous people born on 30 march 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Thu 12 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  14443
  Post Category :  History of March