According to Gregory calendar, on September 30, the day number in a year is 273 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 274. September 30 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 30 September in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1399Henry Bollingbroke, Duke of Lancaster, Richard II of England disguised TobeCom Henry IV, merged Lancaster's Dachi with Krook.
1730Nabab Amades XI of Savoyi resigned from his post.
1744France and Spain defeated the Kingdom of Sardinia in the Battle of Madonna dello Olmo.
1790Leopold II began to rule the Holy Roman Emperor.
1801The Treaty of London was signed for the initial peace between the French First Republic and Great Britain and the United Kingdom of Ireland.
1841The famous American scientist Samuel Slocum patented the 'Stapler'.
1846American Dentist Dr. William Morton first used 'Anesthetic ether' to remove the patient's teeth.
1847Vegetarian Society formed in Great Britain.
1877The first American amateur swimming meet was held.
1880American doctor Henry Draper took the first picture of the Oraon Nebula.
1882The Vulcan Street Plant is the first hydroelectric center to serve a system of private and commercial customers in North Emerca, located in Appleton of Visconsin, USA.
1898The American city of New York was established.
1908One of the famous poets of Hindi, Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar was born on 23 September 1908 in a place called Simaria.
1929The first rocket to carry man flew.
1939Vladislav, General of World War II, became Prime Minister of Sikorski Polish government.
1939Germany and Russia agreed to the partition of Poland.
1947Pakistan and Yemen became members of the United Nations.
1947Pakistan and Yemen joined the United Nations.
1952The revised standard version of the Bible was published and released to the public.
1955American film actor James Dean suffered a fatal injury to a car further on the car near Cholme, California.
1965Members of the 30 September agitation attempted a coup against the Indonesian government, which was crushed by military underrusurto, resulting in a collective communist purification with over 500,000 people in the next months.
1966Seratse Khama became the first President of Botswana, when Bachuanland Protecturet gained independence from the United Kingdom.
1966Bechuanaland, the British protected state of South Africa, declared independence and became the Republic of Botswana.
1967International Monetary Fund IMF) reformed the monetary system.
1979Construction of Kwang Tong Line, the first line of Hong Kong's MTR Rapid Transit System was completed.
1980Iran continued bombing oil installations in Baghdad, as Iraq's planes bombed the oil refineries in the Persian Gulf.
1993In Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, more than 10 thousand people died due to earthquake and millions were rendered homeless.
2004Japanese researchers took the first pictures of a living veteran in their natural habitat.
2005A United Nations Health Specialist, who has recently been coordinating the outbreak of the outbreak of the South-East Asian bird flu, also known as Avian Influenza, warns that the disease up to 150 million people ' Can kill Bird Flu has killed a large number of birds and more than 60 humans in Asia since 2003.
2005Denmark newspaper Galends-Posten published controversial cartoons, portraying Muhammad, which was seen by many Muslims as Islamophobic and Ishaninda.
2008Chinese milk scam: The huge unilever of Dutch meals began to recall Lipton-brand tea powder in Hong Kong and Macau cities, as a small percentage was found to be melted in them.
2009A 7.6 MW earthquake occurred on the southern coast of Sumatra in Indonesia, killed 1,115 people and estimated 1.25 million people.
2010The Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court ruled in the disputed Babri Masjid case, dividing the land into three parts and giving one part each to Ramlala, Nirmohi Akhara and Waqf Board.
2011Serbian officials, citing apprehension, banned a gay Gaurav parade from moving forward, causing the violence. The officials decided to ban several defendant protesters from appearing on the prescribed parade day. Officials insisted that the step was to protect public safety.
2012Spain has announced that it expects an increase in its debt level in 2013.
2013The pharmaceutical giants agree to sell glandosomithkline aspen pharmacore to its thrombosis drug brands.
2014The first case of the Ebola virus found in the US is being treated in the American city of Dallas, Texas.
737The Muslim Vijay of the Transoxiana-Turugesh tribes attacked the UPWW Bagze train, which was sent beyond the mainforce, and captured it.

Important Historical Events of 30 September in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1993The 6.3 magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale attacks the city of Latur in southern India. According to general accounts 6.3 There are no severe earthquakes, but as a result of poor construction of houses and the presence of many temporary villages huts, and due to time, more than 10,000 died when it fell on the people sleeping in the houses while sleeping in the morning when sleeping in the morning Went.
2001Former veteran Congress leader Madhav Rao Scindia died in an air crash in Mainpuri.
2003The famous Indian chess player Vishwanathan Anand won the World Rapid Chess Championship.
2006The Indian police accused Pakistan's security and intelligence service, saying that the Mumbai train was the mastermind ISI in the train bomb blasts in July. This terrorist attack was carried out by the terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, in which about 200 people were killed.
2007The Jewish community in India is angry after producing bedspread under the title "Nazi Collection" by a company. The brand included a swastika symbol next to the name. The owner of the company Kapil Kumar Todi argued that the word Nazi was used as a brief name for "India's new arrival area" and the swastika symbol was also a symbol used in Hinduism.

Important Days of 30 September National & International Days 🏁

International Translation DayInternational Day
Botswana Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 30 September 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1149Chand Bardai / Writer / India
1915Madan Puri / Actor / India
1922Hrishikesh Mukherjee / Producer / India
1941Kamalesh Sharma / Academic / India
1967Deepti Bhatnagar / Actress / India
1991Bidita Bag / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 30 september 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Wed 14 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  16906
  Post Category :  History of September