According to Gregory calendar, on August 31, the day number in a year is 243 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 244. August 31 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 31 August in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1422Henry VI was declared king of Britain at just nine months old.
1715England's Old Dock Liverpool was inaugurated by an engineer named Thomas Steer.
1724When Louis I of Spain dies due to illness at the age of 17, his father Philip V takes the throne again.
1745Jacoti Rise 1745: Bonnie Prince Charlie Blair Castle Scotland.
1798The Irish Rebellion of 1798 established the short-term republic, with French assistance, with French assistance.
1813In the Battle of San Marial, the Spanish army of Galicia, under the manual war-war, manual Alberto Fryer, returned the final attack of Nicholas Solt against Arthur Valeshali's affiliated army.
1827Frederick John Robinson, the first Viscount Goderich, became Prime Minister of Britain after the death of George Canning.
1843The Liberty Party nominated James Birness to be the presidential candidate.
1871Adolphe Thiers was made President of the French Republic.
1876Abdul Hameed II became the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire when Habdar Murad V was removed.
1881Tennis championship was played for the first time in America.
1886Croker National Bank started in Woolworth.
1887Kinetoscope patented by Thomas Edison. This device was used to produce films.
1888The body of Mary Ann Nicols was found on the ground in front of the stagnant entrance, excited in London, was the first victim of the unknown serial killer, allegedly known as Jack the Ripper (illustration).
1897Thomas Edison was given a patent for the pioneer Kitoscopa of the movie projector.
1915Germany established the 12th Army for the Eastern Front, but was abolished a year later.
1919American Communist Party was established
1920Belgium introduced old age pension for its citizens.
1935In an attempt to stay out of the growing European conflict, the United States passed the first of their neutrality acts.
1939The Nazi forces, who presented in the form of poles, staged an attack against the German radio station Synder Gleevitz in Gleevitz, Upper Silesia, Germany, making an excuse to attack Poland the next day.
1944West Indies great batsman Clive Lloyd was born. In his career, he scored 7515 runs in 110 Tests and 1977 runs in 87 ODIs.
1945Australia's Liberal Party, one of the two major Australian political parties, was established to replace the United Australia party.
1952Grayslandering Recktrack, closed in Wegberg, Germany.
1955The first microwave-based TV station was established in Lufkin, Texas.
1957The British have handed over power to their colony of Malaya, yet it will exist as a member of the British Commonwealth.
1959South Vietnamese President Ngô? Nh di? A parcel bomb sent by M's younger brother and thief advisor, NGô NNH NHU failed to kill Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia.
1964California officially became America's most populous province.
1965Aero Spacline Super Gappi, a large, broad -bodied cargoearcraft, which is used to fair external cargo components, made its first construction.
1982Anti-government demonstrations were organized in 66 Polish cities, which was asked to establish the Solidarity Trade Union, to celebrate the second anniversary of the Dansk agreement.
1986Aeroméxico Flight 498, Cerritos, California, a private-owned Piperpa-28 crashed into the Cherokee aircraft, killing 67 on the ground of 15 in the air.
1987Michael Jackson released his hit album "Bad".
1992Dynamite explosion in the Philippines mine; 500 killed.
1997Britain's Princess Diana and her lover Dodi al-Khana were killed in a car accident in Paris. His car crashed into a pavement. At that time, Diana was only 36 years old.
1998North Korea claimed to successfully launch its first satellite, Quangmyongsong -1, although no item was extracted from the launch.
1998North Korea fired ballistic missiles at Japan.
1999A Boeing 737 Flight 3142 in Buenos Aires, which was associated with the Lions Aryce Prevadus Argentinas (LAPA), died immediately after flying.
2005About 1,200 people were killed on Wednesday in a stampede in Baghdad. The reason was that when thousands of Shia Muslims started marching towards a shrine.
2005More than 1000 people died in a stampede on the Al-Immmah Bridge in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq.
2007The World Health Organization announced the elimination of an unexplained disease, which has high mortality, a form of hemorrhagic fever in the area of ​​the butcher is considered to be the cause of outbreak.
2009In England and Wales, homosexuals are given equal births.
2010Belur Genus Dinosaur's fossils are discovered in Romania.
2010US military encroachments in Iraq since 2003 were officially ended.
2011The German city of Bonn introduced a meter for prostitutes. The meter used to tax prostitutes at the rate of six euros per night, and was often kept near the industrial area used by prostitutes.
2012Apple lost a copyright case against Samsung Electronics smart phones and tablets in Tokyo, Japan.
2013In Shanghai, a chemical leak killed 15 people and injured at least 26. The leakage was from the liquid ammonia, which took place in the cold storage unit owned by a sea -food company.

Important Historical Events of 31 August in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1778During the British Revolution, 17 Sharebridge Indians were killed in the British Bronx.
1956The then President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad approved the State Reorganization Bill.
1968Two-stage rounding rocket Rohini-MSV1 was successfully launched in India.

Important Days of 31 August National & International Days 🏁

International Day for People of African DescentInternational Day
World Sanskrit DayInternational Day
Kyrgyzstan Independence DayNational Day
Malaysia Independence Day (Hari Merdeka)National Day
Trinidad and Tobago Independence DayNational Day
World Sanskrit DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 31 August 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1956Tsai Ing Wen / Politician / Taiwan
1569Jahangir / Ruler / India
1871Hassan Imam / Barrister / India
1895Sir Francis Robert Roy Bucher / Soldier / India
1919Amrita Preetam / Poet / India
1919Amrita Pritam / Poet / India
1919Amruta Preetam / Novelist / India
1963Rituparno Ghosh / Actor / India
1963Rituparno Ghosh / Director / India
1969Javagal Srinath / Cricketer / India
1979Yuvan Shankar Raja / Writer / India

See full list of famous people born on 31 august 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sun 11 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  17044
  Post Category :  History of August