According to Gregory calendar, on March 31, the day number in a year is 90 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 91. March 31 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 31 March in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1146The French abbot Bernard of Clairvaux preached a sermon to a crowd Vélezé, accompanied by King Louis VII, urging the need for a second crusade.
1492The Catholic Monarchs of Spain issued the Alhambra Decree, ordering all Jews to convert to Christianity or be expelled from the county.
1596France's world-renowned philosopher mathematician and physicist René Decart was born.
1727The great physicist Isaac Newton died in London at the age of 84.
1736Bellevue Hospital' was established in Alhamhouse, New York City, USA, which was the first public hospital in America.
1814Anti-Napoleonic troops occupied Paris.
1822Greek War of Independence—Ottoman troops began a massacre of over 20,000 Greeks on the island of Chios.
1822Ottoman troops of the Greek War of Independence began a massacre of over 20,000 people on the island of Chios.
1842The Middleton Junction and Oldham Branch railway line was opened in Vernes, North West England.
1854US Navy Commodore Matthew C. Perry (the Japanese deputation) and Tokugawa jointly signed the Convention of Kanagawa, which forced the opening of Japanese ports to American trade.
1870For the first time in America, a black citizen voted.
1889The Eiffel Tower was inaugurated in Paris, becoming a global center of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world.
1889The famous Paris Eiffel Tower officially opened.
1901A magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck the Black Sea, the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in the region.
1910Six English towns amalgamated to form the single county Borough of Stoke-on-Trent, the first union of its type.
1917The US bought the Danish West Indies for $ 25 million and named it Virgin Island.
1930To avoid government censorship, Hollywood film studios established their own set of industry censorship guidelines, known as the Hayes Code.
1931TWA Flight 599 crashes in Chase County, Kansas, US, and the dead include football coach Newt Rocken, a prodigy in aircraft design and development.
1946Greece voted for the first time after World War II.
1964The Brazilian armed forces led an over throw from the Brazilian President Jo Gaulart and established a military government that lasted for 21 years.
1966Soviet Russia launched the first Chandrayaan Luna-10.
1983The devastating earthquake in the Colombian city of Popayan killed 500 people.
1986All 167 passengers on board died after the crash of the Mexico 940 aircraft.
1990The country's constitution maker Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was posthumously awarded the highest civilian award Bharat Ratna.
1995Bombay defeated Punjab to win the Cricket Ranji Trophy in the first innings.
1995The American singer-song, Selena, known as the 'The Queen of Tosano Music', was assassinated in Corpus Christie, Texas, which was performed by her fan club, Yoland Saldiver.
1996Midsummer Night's Dream' Lunt-Fontanne opens in New York City. This will perform for 66 demonstrations.
1996Space shuttle STS-76 (Atlantis 16) safely land.
1997The day of remembering the old soap on ABC-TV.
2002The 21st NCAA women's basketball championship was held at San Antonio.
2008It was announced to give 'Vyas Samman' to KK Birla Foundation 2007 for Krishna Sobti.
2010More than 200 Palestinians and their colleagues have been run by tear gas when they were protesting outside the gate of Offer Jail due to recent custody of colleagues.
2011During unrest in midstand, activists claim that China has initiated the biggest action on disgruntled in recent years.
2012U.K. And progress is made on the tallest building of the European Union when the Spire of Shard London Bridge is placed.
2013Two people in China die of H7N9 avian influenza infection. XH7N9 Avian Influenza is a sub-type that was not previously transmitted in humans
2014Order to stop all whaling activities in Antarctic U.N. Accepts according to the order given by the International Court of Justice. Japanese whales are held for business purposes, not for scientific research.
627The Muslim–Quraysh Wars saw a confederation of tribes launch an ultimately unsuccessful siege of Yathrib (now Medina) against Muhammad and his army.

Important Historical Events of 31 March in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1774Postal service started in India, first post office opened.
1942Second World War II due to a rebellion by Indian soldiers against its British officials, Japanese soldiers captured the Christmas island without any resistance.
1959The Tibetan religious leader Dalai Lama reached the border of India after a 15-day trek from Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. India gave him political asylum.
1972Indian cinema's famous actress Meena Kumari passed away.

Famous People's Birthdays on 31 March 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1865Anandibai Joshi / Doctor / India
1938Sheila Dikshit / Politician / India
1945Meira Kumar / Politician / India
1504Guru Angad / Religious Leader / India
1856Anandi Gopal Joshi / Doctor / India
1865Anandi Gopal Joshi / Physician / India
1882N. Gopalaswami Ayyangar / Politician / India
1906Kodandera Subayya Thimayya / Soldier / India
1912Rajendra Narayan Singh Deo / Politician / India
1934Kamala Surayya / Poet / India
1938Sheila Dikshit / Politician / India
1945Meira Kumar / Lawyer / India
1984Neha Kapur / Actress / India
1986Ekta Chowdhary / Model / India
1987Humpy Koneru / Chess Player / India

See full list of famous people born on 31 march 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Thu 12 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  12142
  Post Category :  History of March