◉ 60 years
❌ Incorrect
◉ 25 years
❌ Incorrect
◉ 35 years
❌ Incorrect
◉ 30 years
✅ Correct
◉ Surgio panunjio
❌ Incorrect
◉ Charles Mauras
❌ Incorrect
◉ Adolf Hitler
❌ Incorrect
◉ Mussolini
✅ Correct
◉ responsible government
✅ Correct
◉ Democratic government
❌ Incorrect
◉ Dictatorial government
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ Digboi
❌ Incorrect
◉ Thiruvananthapuram
❌ Incorrect
◉ Jaduguda
✅ Correct
◉ Chennai
❌ Incorrect
◉ Martin Luther King Jr.
❌ Incorrect
◉ thurio
✅ Correct
◉ Sarvavali Radhakrishnan
❌ Incorrect
◉ Nelson Mandela
❌ Incorrect
◉ President is elected
✅ Correct
◉ People have fundamental rights
❌ Incorrect
◉ The constitution of the nation exists
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ Ravindranath tagore
❌ Incorrect
◉ Satyendra Nath Tagore
✅ Correct
◉ Satyendra Nath Bose
❌ Incorrect
◉ Jyotirindranath Tagore
❌ Incorrect
◉ those constitutional bodies
✅ Correct
◉ They are voluntary organization
❌ Incorrect
◉ They are all ruled by the President
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ 1/3 member
✅ Correct
◉ 2/3 members
❌ Incorrect
◉ 3/3 members
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ Maria Sharapova
❌ Incorrect
◉ Martina Navratilova
✅ Correct
◉ Serena Williams
❌ Incorrect
◉ Simona Halep
❌ Incorrect
◉ Kiran Desai
❌ Incorrect
◉ Jhumpa Lahiri
❌ Incorrect
◉ Madhya Pradesh
✅ Correct
◉ Sudha Murthy
❌ Incorrect
◉ Jingyu
❌ Incorrect
◉ Sriharikota
❌ Incorrect
◉ from Kourou
✅ Correct
◉ Thumba
❌ Incorrect
◉ Upliftment of the lowest of the poor
✅ Correct
◉ With the development of rich people
❌ Incorrect
◉ From social and economic development of all
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ World Health Organization
❌ Incorrect
◉ World bank
❌ Incorrect
◉ world trade organization
✅ Correct
◉ International Monetary Fund
❌ Incorrect
◉ Neminath
❌ Incorrect
◉ Ajitnaatha
❌ Incorrect
◉ Mahavir
❌ Incorrect
◉ Rishabh Dev
✅ Correct
◉ Chandra Gupta Mourya
❌ Incorrect
◉ Kanishka
✅ Correct
◉ Oceanagupta
❌ Incorrect
◉ One who increases Joy
❌ Incorrect
◉ K. Minto-Male Reforms in 1909
✅ Correct
◉ Minto-Morley Reformation in 1919 AD
❌ Incorrect
◉ Minto-Morley Reformation in 1935 AD
❌ Incorrect
◉ Minto-Morley Reformation in 1905 AD
❌ Incorrect
◉ in Chittorgarh
✅ Correct
◉ In Jhansi
❌ Incorrect
◉ In Hyderabad
❌ Incorrect
◉ in Delhi
❌ Incorrect
◉ Shaivism
✅ Correct
◉ To Buddhism
❌ Incorrect
◉ To Jainism
❌ Incorrect
◉ To Vaishnavism
❌ Incorrect
◉ Kuru
❌ Incorrect
◉ Panchal
❌ Incorrect
◉ Pataliputra
❌ Incorrect
◉ Devgiri
✅ Correct
◉ Daniel Kannaman
❌ Incorrect
◉ Paul krugman
❌ Incorrect
◉ Thomas Pictatey
❌ Incorrect
◉ jo bo saw
✅ Correct
◉ mixed economy
✅ Correct
◉ Communist economy
❌ Incorrect
◉ capitalist economy
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ capital gains tax
❌ Incorrect
◉ property tax
❌ Incorrect
◉ Direct tax
❌ Incorrect
◉ indirect tax
✅ Correct
◉ more sellers but fewer buyers
✅ Correct
◉ Sellers less, but more buyer
❌ Incorrect
◉ Same number of sellers and buyers
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ water
✅ Correct
◉ Fat
❌ Incorrect
◉ Iodine
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ Swan
❌ Incorrect
◉ Helmet guinea bird
❌ Incorrect
◉ Umm
❌ Incorrect
◉ Ostrich
✅ Correct
◉ egg is fertilized outside the mother's body
✅ Correct
◉ Egg fertilization is done within the mother's body
❌ Incorrect
◉ Both suit
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ cadmium
✅ Correct
◉ Tin
❌ Incorrect
◉ Cobalt
❌ Incorrect
◉ Lead
❌ Incorrect
◉ peanuts
✅ Correct
◉ Walnut
❌ Incorrect
◉ Hazelnut
❌ Incorrect
◉ Almond
❌ Incorrect
◉ Elephant
❌ Incorrect
◉ Lion
❌ Incorrect
◉ Tiger
❌ Incorrect
◉ lion tailed macaque
✅ Correct
◉ mars and jupiter
✅ Correct
◉ Buddha and Mars
❌ Incorrect
◉ Earth and Buddha
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ In bhilai
❌ Incorrect
◉ In Gandhi Nagar
❌ Incorrect
◉ In Jamshedpur
❌ Incorrect
◉ in Gorakhpur
✅ Correct
◉ Continental shelf
✅ Correct
◉ Continental slope
❌ Incorrect
◉ Continental atmosphere
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ Dry region of Rajasthan
❌ Incorrect
◉ Eastern India mountainous region
❌ Incorrect
◉ Ornamental forest of South 24 Parganas
✅ Correct
◉ Punjab irrigated area
❌ Incorrect
◉ Assam
❌ Incorrect
◉ Meghalaya
✅ Correct
◉ Andhra Pradesh
❌ Incorrect
◉ In Himachal Pradesh
❌ Incorrect
◉ Northern Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean
❌ Incorrect
◉ To the Mediterranean and Pacific Ocean
❌ Incorrect
◉ the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea
✅ Correct
◉ Indian Ocean and Red Sea
❌ Incorrect
◉ by the World Bank
✅ Correct
◉ International Monorest
❌ Incorrect
◉ By World Trade Organization
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ Income after deducting direct taxes paid
✅ Correct
◉ Income received before paying tax
❌ Incorrect
◉ Direct tax
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ East trade winds blow and cold currents of the oceans blow on the west coasts.
✅ Correct
◉ Warm currents of oceans flow on the west banks due to the local wind running in the east
❌ Incorrect
◉ Both suit
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ equal weight
✅ Correct
◉ More than load
❌ Incorrect
◉ Lower
❌ Incorrect
◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
◉ Water quantity
❌ Incorrect
◉ Knot
❌ Incorrect
◉ Ends wood and juicy
❌ Incorrect
◉ growth ring
✅ Correct