◉ socialist economy
✅ Correct
◉ underdeveloped economy
❌ Incorrect
◉ developing economy
❌ Incorrect
◉ developed economy
❌ Incorrect
◉ inelastic demand
❌ Incorrect
◉ perfectly inelastic demand
❌ Incorrect
◉ cost elasticity of credit
❌ Incorrect
◉ price elasticity of demand
✅ Correct
◉ aggregate demand in the economy
✅ Correct
◉ price demand in the economy
❌ Incorrect
◉ income demand in the economy
❌ Incorrect
◉ skewed demand in the economy
❌ Incorrect
◉ by the elders of the same village
❌ Incorrect
◉ They are elected indirectly by the members of the respective Panchayats
✅ Correct
◉ by choice
❌ Incorrect
◉ by sarpanches of other villages
❌ Incorrect
◉ democratic government
✅ Correct
◉ monarchy
❌ Incorrect
◉ by dictatorial government
❌ Incorrect
◉ undemocratic government
❌ Incorrect
◉ one year
❌ Incorrect
◉ two years
✅ Correct
◉ 4 years
❌ Incorrect
◉ three year
❌ Incorrect
◉ Gujarat
❌ Incorrect
◉ Rajasthan
❌ Incorrect
◉ Uttar Pradesh
✅ Correct
◉ Jammu and Kashmir
❌ Incorrect
◉ 1921-1945 AD
❌ Incorrect
◉ 1920-1946 AD
❌ Incorrect
◉ 1920-1947 AD
✅ Correct
◉ 1919-1948 AD
❌ Incorrect
◉ Viceroy
❌ Incorrect
◉ fort william
❌ Incorrect
◉ lord harding
✅ Correct
◉ bancoolen
❌ Incorrect
◉ tomas smith
❌ Incorrect
◉ francisco de almoda
❌ Incorrect
◉ albuquerque
✅ Correct
◉ Francis Martin
❌ Incorrect
◉ Prakrit
✅ Correct
◉ Braj
❌ Incorrect
◉ Sanskrit
❌ Incorrect
◉ Pali
❌ Incorrect
◉ Tarim
❌ Incorrect
◉ meet
❌ Incorrect
◉ Hwangho
✅ Correct
◉ take it
❌ Incorrect
◉ in november
❌ Incorrect
◉ In January
❌ Incorrect
◉ in February
❌ Incorrect
◉ it never changes
✅ Correct
◉ due to improper
❌ Incorrect
◉ due to power surge
❌ Incorrect
◉ due to overwork
❌ Incorrect
◉ due to geothermal energy
✅ Correct
◉ Maize
❌ Incorrect
◉ Cotton
✅ Correct
◉ Cotton
❌ Incorrect
◉ wheat
❌ Incorrect
◉ protein
❌ Incorrect
◉ Vitamin C
❌ Incorrect
◉ Iron
✅ Correct
◉ vitamins
❌ Incorrect
◉ conjunctiva
❌ Incorrect
◉ emissions
❌ Incorrect
◉ respiration
✅ Correct
◉ Dietetics
❌ Incorrect
◉ in birds
✅ Correct
◉ in bacteria
❌ Incorrect
◉ in cells
❌ Incorrect
◉ in animals
❌ Incorrect
◉ get destroyed
✅ Correct
◉ come and go
❌ Incorrect
◉ nothing happens
❌ Incorrect
◉ none of these
❌ Incorrect
◉ nephethys
✅ Correct
◉ fly trap
❌ Incorrect
◉ bladderwort
❌ Incorrect
◉ beauty queen
❌ Incorrect
◉ Vein
❌ Incorrect
◉ artery
❌ Incorrect
◉ systole
❌ Incorrect
◉ capillary
✅ Correct
◉ laser beam
✅ Correct
◉ low beam
❌ Incorrect
◉ Prakash Punj
❌ Incorrect
◉ wavelength
❌ Incorrect
◉ vapor only
❌ Incorrect
◉ concrete only
❌ Incorrect
◉ gas only
❌ Incorrect
◉ fluid only
✅ Correct
◉ mouse
❌ Incorrect
◉ Central processing unit
❌ Incorrect
◉ hard disk
❌ Incorrect
◉ modem
✅ Correct
◉ lysergic acid
❌ Incorrect
◉ ascorbic acid
✅ Correct
◉ uric acid
❌ Incorrect
◉ organic acid
❌ Incorrect
◉ solid carbon dioxide
✅ Correct
◉ dry hydrogen
❌ Incorrect
◉ oxygen
❌ Incorrect
◉ nitrogen
❌ Incorrect
◉ hydrogen sulfide
✅ Correct
◉ carbon dioxide
❌ Incorrect
◉ nitrogen
❌ Incorrect
◉ oxygen
❌ Incorrect
◉ american diamond
✅ Correct
◉ Indian Diamond
❌ Incorrect
◉ England Diamond
❌ Incorrect
◉ chinese diamond
❌ Incorrect
◉ The natural environment is a distinctive feature of a piece of land.
❌ Incorrect
◉ The natural environment is the living organisms on the earth including naturally growing vegetation, buildings and structures including useful man-made objects made of soil.
❌ Incorrect
◉ animate and inanimate objects or factors in an area undisturbed by human activity
✅ Correct
◉ The natural environment includes all the living organisms of a particular area, i.e. plants, animals and micro-organisms, which interact with their abiotic environment to form a complete biological unit.
❌ Incorrect
◉ propane and butane
✅ Correct
◉ methane
❌ Incorrect
◉ ethane
❌ Incorrect
◉ hydrocarbons
❌ Incorrect
◉ Whiteness
❌ Incorrect
◉ electromagnetic radiation
❌ Incorrect
◉ electromagnetic radiation
❌ Incorrect
◉ reflected radiation / incident radiation
✅ Correct
◉ Stamp of quality for certain goods
✅ Correct
◉ standard of time
❌ Incorrect
◉ standard of purity
❌ Incorrect
◉ cooking standard
❌ Incorrect
◉ Hazrat Nizamuddin to Habibganj
✅ Correct
◉ Hazrat Nizamuddin to Haryana
❌ Incorrect
◉ Hazrat Nizamuddin to Delhi
❌ Incorrect
◉ Hazrat Nizamuddin to Faridabad
❌ Incorrect
◉ Name Narendranath Dutt
❌ Incorrect
◉ Raidas
❌ Incorrect
◉ Arun Shourie
✅ Correct
◉ Jainendra Kumar
❌ Incorrect
◉ Tamil Nadu
❌ Incorrect
◉ in Karnataka
✅ Correct
◉ Kerala
❌ Incorrect
◉ Assam
❌ Incorrect
◉ for cheetahs
❌ Incorrect
◉ Wild pig
❌ Incorrect
◉ for tigers
✅ Correct
◉ for the elephant
❌ Incorrect
◉ tremolite
❌ Incorrect
◉ actinolite
❌ Incorrect
◉ asbestos
✅ Correct
◉ crocidolite
❌ Incorrect
◉ R.K. Venkataraman
❌ Incorrect
◉ Mother Teresa
❌ Incorrect
◉ Nelson Mandela
❌ Incorrect
◉ Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
✅ Correct