Q. Which principle does the market rule of 'to' follow?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. With which instrument is the wind speed measured?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which blood group is called universal recipient?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is a special type of well in which water automatically rises from a hole on the ground surface due to the pressure of the water column?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which is the soil-water which is essential for the plant?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Which ocean of the world is shaped like the English letter "S"?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What are rod shaped bacteria called?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. What does Montreal Protocol 1987 refer to?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. What is the color of loam soil?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which is the animal which has gone extinct from India recently?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. In which state of India onion is produced the most?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the entire progeny obtained from a single plant by vegetative reproduction called?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. What is the maximum gap between two sessions of Parliament?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which country is the origin of "Judicial Review System"?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. In which part of the constitution is the right to vote mentioned?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. During the proclamation of emergency due to which, any law can be enacted or executive order can be issued contrary to Article-19?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Under what conditions is Voyle's law applicable for a gas?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. A block of ice with a piece of lead floats in water. If the ice melts, the level of water-

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. The velocity of heat radiation in vacuum is-

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. The reason for trade winds is-

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What inspired the painting of Ajanta?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. In which state is the largest tunnel of India, 'Jawahar Tunnel' located?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. The ozone hole in the atmosphere mainly occurs in the presence of?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. What is USP in marketing field?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which authority recommends the principles governing the grants-in-aid of the revenue of the States out of the Consolidated Fund of India?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Reserve Bank of India does not deal with which state government of India?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which is the world's largest mountain range above sea level?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. With whom is the term 'The Roaring Chalisa' associated?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the dissociative nucleus used in 'heart pacemaker'?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the chemical used in making artificial rain called?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the element commonly used in a nuclear reactor to produce electricity by nuclear fission?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Which blood group will be found in the children of a couple whose groups are A and B respectively?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. With whom did Alberuni come to India?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Who decides whether a particular bill is a money bill or not?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which trade union is associated with the Congress party?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. For what purpose was the "Simon Commission" constituted?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. In which country the upper house of the legislature is more powerful than the lower house?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Where did Aurangzeb die?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Where are the mortal remains of St. Francis Xavier kept?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. How does poliomyelitis disease spread?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. By what name is Vitamin-B1 known?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What do pathogenic bacteria emit?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Edible salt gets wet in rainy season because-

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. A tax is characterized by overall equity, if its liability-

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. If there is a lot of money and very little goods, then what is this situation called?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. If the demand curve shifts to the right and the first price due to the change in demand, then what will be the quantity demanded?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. If the income elasticity of demand is greater than one, then the commodity will be-

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is marginal productivity of capital?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which is used to iodize common salt?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the definition of buoyancy of a tax?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  1608
  Post Category :  SSC SOA Quiz