Q. Who was the director of the films Charulata, Pather Panchali, Aparajit?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. What is hexachlorobenzene called?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Approximately what is the percentage of fresh water on the surface?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which is the electromagnetic wave coming from the nucleus of a naturally radioactive atom?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. With which gas is the name of Levoshie associated?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. On the basis of which principle of light shadow is formed?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. If the momentum of a light and a heavy body is the same, then what will be the kinetic energy?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. How is the distance between two crests in a wave determined?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Force acting on an invisible body

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. In computer memory, four bits are equal to-

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. In which group of animals (phylon) respiration takes place through gills called concatacol?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which foreign bank has maximum number of branches in India?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity in 1898?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who invented color television?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Who composed the praise "Aai Holle"?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. When was Lord Buddha born?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Chhau dance is the dance style of where?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the ghat made of in ghatparni?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Swami Vivekananda was associated with which organization?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. You. s. a. What type of government system does it have?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. According to Gandhi, what form can Satyagraha take?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who makes legislation on the subjects mentioned in any of the three lists in the Indian Constitution?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who was the last ruler of Delhi Sultanate?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who was the guardian (guardian) of Akbar?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. With what is the concept of "Sarvodaya" generally associated?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Who said "property is theft"?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the central problem in economics?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. When does demand expand?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What type of rock is "gabbro" an example of?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the degree of elasticity in case of perfectly inelastic demand?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What does the 'L' shaped preference curve represent?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is a gene?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Where is the maximum percentage of tribal population in the total population?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Who is the author of "Origin of Species"?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. What is considered an orchid?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What exactly should "amniocentesis" only be used for?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the confirmatory test for the HIV virus that causes AIDS?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Where have the largest number of Roman coins been found in India?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which dynasty was ruling Sindh at the time of Arab invasion?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2020
  Post Category :  SSC STENO Quiz