Q. During whose reign did the British send Sir Thomas Roe to India?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. The mutiny of 1857 was unsuccessful because-

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. In which year radio broadcasting started in India?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who was the pioneer of higher education among Muslims in India?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who organized the "Azad Hind Fauj" (Indian National Army)?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. In whose reign did Changez Khan reach the Indus river?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. By whom was "Aine Akbari" written?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who was the king who had direct contact with the people?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Marathas had to face defeat in the third battle of Pani Pat (on January 14, 1761) because-

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Whose birth place is Lumbini?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who wrote "Ashtadhyayi"?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Which soil group is spread over the largest area in India?

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❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Bandhavgarh National Zoological Park is in which state?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Pong Dam is on which river?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Where is the largest variety of plants and animals found?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which is the important pass in Sikkim in the Greater Himalayan range?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Which state is famous for evergreen sandalwood?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the in situ disintegration and/or decomposition of rock called?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Where is the largest coral reef?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Along which river the inland land topography has been formed due to extensive gully erosion?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What type of currency is a fifty paise coin?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which is the most common vegetation found along most of the deltas in India?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which state in India has the largest net area under tank irrigation?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Due to what are the deltas of the rivers falling into the sea towards the west coast of peninsular India?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. According to Lord Keynes, the rate of interest is determined by the supply and demand of?

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❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. When does a monopoly maximize its profit?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is considered "coal"?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Additional investment expenditure will be till the marginal productivity of capital-

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❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Apart from the Chief Election Commissioner, how many Election Commissioners are there in the Centre?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Perfect market means that-

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is rare currency?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. In whose name are the functions of the State Government executed?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. What is necessary for the declaration of emergency by the President?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who has the exclusive right to rule in India?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the maximum duration of a Presidential Ordinance?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. When a society reaches the stage of civilization, then its biggest feature is the emergence of?

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❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who appoints the Finance Commission?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Parliamentary and Presidential systems of government are classified on the basis of relationship between?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. In which state public opinion is not controlled, regulated and moderated?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. From what is energy obtained directly or indirectly?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is emphasized in the concept of "equality" in a liberal democracy?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. A union is primarily subordinate to the state because-

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What gives direct evidence in favor of biological evolution?

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❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which crop can make the soil fertile with nitrogenous compounds?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. What is the smallest blood vessel called?

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❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the main function of feathers in birds?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Which plant does not bear fruit but produces seeds?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. What is mainly common in sunflower, coconut and groundnut?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the closest relative of man in the animal world?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Warm blooded animals maintain high body temperature so that they

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3576
  Post Category :  SSC STENO Quiz