Q. Which part of the sunlight heats the solar cooker?

 ◉ Red light

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Space rays

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Ultraviolet

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ infrared

✅ Correct

Q. If the velocity/time graph of a particle is represented by Y=mt + c, then with what velocity is the particle moving?

 ◉ With uniform acceleration

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Vibrantly

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ With uniform trick

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ with uniform velocity

✅ Correct

Q. Which is the most suitable container for storing concentrated sulfuric acid?

 ◉ Lime

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ glass jar

✅ Correct

 ◉ Clay

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Sand vessel

❌ Incorrect

Q. In what form are carbohydrates stored in the body?

 ◉ Pentose

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ glycogen

✅ Correct

 ◉ Allyz

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Hexose

❌ Incorrect

Q. Where is the most important Sufi place of worship in India?

 ◉ Nanital

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Chennai

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Ajmer

✅ Correct

 ◉ Delhi

❌ Incorrect

Q. Ajeevika' was a sect of-

 ◉ Tactical

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Buddha's contemporary

✅ Correct

 ◉ Rajram Mohan Rai's contemporary

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Eleusis contemporary

❌ Incorrect

Q. In whose time Indian universities were first established?

 ◉ Marcus cornwallis

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ lord canning

✅ Correct

 ◉ Sir john noise

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ The Lord Minto

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who was the main accused in the Chittagong Armory Raid of 1934?

 ◉ Jagnarayan Mishra

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Surya Sen

✅ Correct

 ◉ Light raj

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Lokesh Shastri

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which event made the British East India Company the de facto master of the Bengal province?

 ◉ Ibrahim Khan's decree, 1690 AD.

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Buxar's fight, 1764 AD

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Battle of Plassey, 1757 AD

✅ Correct

 ◉ Farooqsiyar decree, 1717 AD.

❌ Incorrect

Q. According to the census of the year 2001, the population of India is what percent of the population of the world?

 ◉ 0.153

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 0.162

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 0.166

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 0.1644

✅ Correct

Q. Which unit of valuation is called 'Paper Gold'?

 ◉ Petro dollar

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Euro Dollar

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ s. Dr.

✅ Correct

 ◉ Yes. Dr.

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the 'open market operation' of the Reserve Bank of India?

 ◉ Trade in states

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Trade in currency

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ trading in securities

✅ Correct

 ◉ Global business

❌ Incorrect

Q. Apart from the Quit India Movement which started on 9th August 1994, which other sensational action of freedom fighters was done on 9th August?

 ◉ kakori car robbery

✅ Correct

 ◉ Establishment of Ghadar Party

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Communist party of india

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ General Dyer murdered

❌ Incorrect

Q. What kind of agency is ICRA?

 ◉ Gas agency

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ credit rating agency

✅ Correct

 ◉ Tv rating agency

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Music rating agency

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who was invited by Lord Wavell to form the interim government in the year 1946?

 ◉ Mohammad Ali Jinnah

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Mahatma Gandhi

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

✅ Correct

 ◉ Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which was the first speaking feature district of India?

 ◉ friendship

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Raja Harish Chandra

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Two flowers

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Alam Ara

✅ Correct

Q. Which was the first enzyme isolated in pure crystalline form?

 ◉ Clarias

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ amylase

✅ Correct

 ◉ Catalas

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Lipase

❌ Incorrect

Q. What helps in the process of digestion?

 ◉ Vitamin

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Hormone

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Mineral

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Enzyme

✅ Correct

Q. Water, fat and various catabolism wastes are excreted by which organ?

 ◉ Plasma

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ the cell

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ skin

✅ Correct

 ◉ Emission system

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which country is the largest archipelago in the world?

 ◉ North Island

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Greenland

✅ Correct

 ◉ Victoria Island

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Honshb

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which element has the largest percentage in the composition of the earth?

 ◉ Nitrogen

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ oxygen

✅ Correct

 ◉ Hydrogen

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Helium

❌ Incorrect

Q. How long does it take to play the full tune of the Indian National Anthem?

 ◉ 55 seconds

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 52 seconds

✅ Correct

 ◉ 48 seconds

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 60 seconds

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which region of America has the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites?

 ◉ Britain and Russia

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ France and India

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Australia and New Zealand

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ USA and Canada

✅ Correct

Q. Whose agency is the World Intellectual Property Organization?

 ◉ of the United Nations

✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

Q. Padma Subrahmanyam is related to which field?

 ◉ Garba

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ bharatanatyam

✅ Correct

 ◉ Kuchipudi

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Bhangra

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which provision of the constitution empowers the central government to provide reservation for the weaker section of the society in jobs and educational institutions?

 ◉ Article-16

✅ Correct

 ◉ Article-11

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Article-18

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Article-15

❌ Incorrect

Q. If the Election Commission is satisfied that a candidate has not, without sufficient cause or justification, submitted an account of his election expenses within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner, the Election Commission may disqualify him from becoming a member or continuing as a member of an elected office. For what period from the date of order can disqualify?

 ◉ 7 years

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 6 years

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 3 years

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 5 year

✅ Correct

Q. Which provision of the Constitution has empowered the Central Government to levy and increase the coverage of Service Tax?

 ◉ Emergency powers

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ List-I, Schedule-VII

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Residuary powers under Article-248

✅ Correct

 ◉ List-III, Schedule-VII

❌ Incorrect

Q. In which Asiad did India have the best position in getting medals?

 ◉ In 1986 (Seoul)

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ in New Delhi in 1982

✅ Correct

 ◉ In 1951 (New Delhi)

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ In 1962 (Jakarta)

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the abode of Sufi saints called?

 ◉ Church

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ khanqah

✅ Correct

 ◉ Mansoor

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Iglou

❌ Incorrect

Q. What are the crops grown after the summer rainy season called?

 ◉ Seasonal

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ rabi

✅ Correct

 ◉ Kharif

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Zayed

❌ Incorrect

Q. Where is India's first shore-based, modern integrated steel plant located?

 ◉ Kochi

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Visakhapatnam

✅ Correct

 ◉ Dishpur

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Hyderabad

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which is the deepest ocean in the world?

 ◉ Caspian Sea

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Arabian Sea

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ pacific ocean

✅ Correct

 ◉ Indian Ocean

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which element should be more in the soil for tobacco cultivation?

 ◉ Calcium

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Zinc

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ potash

✅ Correct

 ◉ Iron

❌ Incorrect

Q. In which part of the equatorial region are well developed rubber plantations found?

 ◉ Ukraine

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Uganda

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Canada

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ malaysia

✅ Correct

Q. When the bus suddenly turns, then the passenger standing in the bus falls outwards. What is the reason of this?

 ◉ Acceleration change

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Change in emotion

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ pull out on it

✅ Correct

 ◉ Inertia of dynamics

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is geostationary satellite?

 ◉ This house keeps moving only in the orbit of the earth

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ It is stable in a place on earth

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ it is fixed to a place in space

✅ Correct

 ◉ It is stable in a place by going into space

❌ Incorrect

Q. How does increasing the volume affect the melting point of ice?

 ◉ remains constant

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ First decreases and then grows

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Increases

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ decreases

✅ Correct

Q. Electrostatic precipitators are used to control pollution of?

 ◉ Wind

✅ Correct

 ◉ Fire

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Lightning

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Water

❌ Incorrect

Q. Over what is the ozone hole forming the most?

 ◉ Africa

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Europe

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Antarctica

✅ Correct

 ◉ Asia

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the reason for the presence of ozone in the stratosphere?

 ◉ Average Bhomandal temperature has increased in recent years

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ People traveling to jet fulfill oxygen

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Ultraviolet rays do not reach the earth'

✅ Correct

 ◉ The rate of photosynthesis has increased

❌ Incorrect

Q. Jahangir Khan is famous for which game?

 ◉ Squash

✅ Correct

 ◉ Polo

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Weight lifting

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Fustal

❌ Incorrect

Q. World Development Report' is the publication of which organization?

 ◉ World business organization

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ International inflation

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Splice

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ world Bank

✅ Correct

Q. Who constitutes the Finance Commission for a State?

 ◉ Finance Minister of that state

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Chief Minister of that state

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ governor of that state

✅ Correct

 ◉ Central finance ministry

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who has the right to remove the Vice President from office before the end of his term?

 ◉ To president

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ To the Chief Justice of India

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ To the Chief Justice of India

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ to parliament

✅ Correct

Q. Who works as a debt controller in India?

 ◉ reserve Bank of India

✅ Correct

 ◉ Commercial Bank

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Finance secretary

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Finance Ministry

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the ratio of cash holding of a bank to its total liability of deposits called?

 ◉ Minimum reserve ratio

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ cash reserve ratio

✅ Correct

 ◉ Variable reserve ratio

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Statutory cash ratio

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which treaty ended the independent existence of Peshwa Bajirao II?

 ◉ Treaty of Purandar

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Treaty of Bargaon

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Treaty of Bassein

✅ Correct

 ◉ Treaty of Salbai

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which Indian statesman uttered these magical words – 'Many years ago we had a meeting with destiny and now the time has come to fulfill our promise'?

 ◉ Sardar Patel

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Dayanand Saraswati

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Jawaharlal Nehru

✅ Correct

 ◉ Morarji Desai

❌ Incorrect

Q. Whose worship proves the organic connection between the ancient culture of the Indus Valley and today's Hinduism?

 ◉ Ganesh and Karthikeya

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Ram and Sita

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Vishnu and Lakshmi

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Shiva and Shakti

✅ Correct

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3019
  Post Category :  SSC TA Quiz