Q. The most powerful force in nature is-

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. According to the theory of relativity which always remains the same?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. A spoon dropped by an astronaut in a satellite

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. color blind person

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. ECG shows whose activity?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Water pipelines often burst in cold countries during the winter season, because-

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. When an object is taken from the earth to the moon, then-

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. The reason for the formation of a mirage is-

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. On what principle does a nuclear power plant work?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Bhabha Atomic Research Center is located at-

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. What is zinc sulfate commonly used for?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the purest form of water?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. What is the main component of biogas?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the chemical name of 'aspirin'?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which element is abundant in the human body?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. The wax used for making candles is chemically a mixture of-

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is litmus obtained from?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Vinegar made from the fermentation of sugar-cane contains-

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. The photo-oxidation process is initiated by-

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the lower layer of the atmosphere called?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Where is Integral Coach Factory located?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Which is used in large quantities in the cement industry?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Willy-Willy Where's the Wind?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which state has the largest reserves of coal?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who presided over the Belgaum session of the National Congress (1924 AD)?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. The ultraviolet radiation hitting the earth is due to the depletion of?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. What is the coastal region of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu called?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. Which is the tallest Indian waterfall?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. What does the production function represent?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. In which plan was the emphasis laid for the first time on the removal of poverty?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the main cause of soil erosion?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at factor cost?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. According to whom “Interest is a reward for giving up liquidity”?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. Expansion or contraction of the quantity demanded of a commodity results in a change in?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the elasticity of demand between petrol and car?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the duration of the Eleventh Five Year Plan?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. What should be the elasticity of demand for the product in both the markets for price-discrimination to be successful?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who has replaced FERA in India?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. For how many years is the Finance Commission constituted?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. By whom are the estimates of national income in India prepared?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Mixed economy' means-

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. What does the law of demand express?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

Q. When did the British make English the medium of instruction in India?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. The High Courts at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay came into existence during the tenure of which Viceroy?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who was famous as 'Nana Saheb'?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. In which session of the Indian National Congress did the historic union of the Congress and the Muslim League take place?

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who went to the Imperial Durbar in 1877 wearing hand-spun Khadi clothes?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. In whose reign did Ibn Battuta come to India?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who was the founder-editor of the famous newspaper 'Kesari' during the national struggle?

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

Q. By which Bahmani Savarkar was the famous Gol Gumbaz built in Bijapur?

✅ Correct

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

❌ Incorrect

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2980
  Post Category :  SSC TA Quiz