◉ ashwardhama
❌ Incorrect
◉ to Arjun
✅ Correct
◉ to Bhima
❌ Incorrect
◉ to Yudhsthira
❌ Incorrect
◉ of the World Bank
✅ Correct
◉ India Today's
❌ Incorrect
◉ Forbes's
❌ Incorrect
◉ State Bank's
❌ Incorrect
◉ Cricket
✅ Correct
◉ chess
❌ Incorrect
◉ billiards
❌ Incorrect
◉ archery
❌ Incorrect
◉ Himalayan range located in Kumaon
✅ Correct
◉ Everest's
❌ Incorrect
◉ K-2 mountain
❌ Incorrect
◉ none of these
❌ Incorrect
◉ dreadnought
❌ Incorrect
◉ tank
❌ Incorrect
◉ aircraft carrier
✅ Correct
◉ submarine
❌ Incorrect
◉ through the edge
❌ Incorrect
◉ through its leaves
❌ Incorrect
◉ by its fruit
❌ Incorrect
◉ by stem girth
✅ Correct
◉ abrasive
❌ Incorrect
◉ disguised unemployment
✅ Correct
◉ structural
❌ Incorrect
◉ technology
❌ Incorrect
◉ N.S.S.O
❌ Incorrect
◉ Planning Commission
❌ Incorrect
◉ rolling plan
✅ Correct
◉ Finance Commission
❌ Incorrect
◉ of capitalism
✅ Correct
◉ of communism
❌ Incorrect
◉ of socialism
❌ Incorrect
◉ none of these
❌ Incorrect
◉ Metro
❌ Incorrect
◉ clothing industry
❌ Incorrect
◉ Technical
❌ Incorrect
◉ railway
✅ Correct
◉ quasi competition
❌ Incorrect
◉ low competition
❌ Incorrect
◉ perfect competition
✅ Correct
◉ middle competition
❌ Incorrect
◉ of innovation
✅ Correct
◉ from old things
❌ Incorrect
◉ selling the right thing
❌ Incorrect
◉ none of these
❌ Incorrect
◉ effect of entertainment
❌ Incorrect
◉ consumption simulating effect
✅ Correct
◉ simulation effect of consumption
❌ Incorrect
◉ effect of advertising
❌ Incorrect
◉ market segmentation index
❌ Incorrect
◉ price discrimination
❌ Incorrect
◉ positive market
❌ Incorrect
◉ full market
✅ Correct
◉ Directive Principles of State Policy
✅ Correct
◉ directive principles of state policy
❌ Incorrect
◉ directive principles
❌ Incorrect
◉ none of these
❌ Incorrect
◉ Gandhiji
❌ Incorrect
◉ Karl Marx
❌ Incorrect
◉ Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
✅ Correct
◉ Bhimrao Ambedkar
❌ Incorrect
◉ advocate general
✅ Correct
◉ attorney general
❌ Incorrect
◉ chief Magistrate
❌ Incorrect
◉ solicitor general
❌ Incorrect
◉ One hour
✅ Correct
◉ one and a half hour
❌ Incorrect
◉ Half Hour
❌ Incorrect
◉ 2 hour
❌ Incorrect
◉ Jyoti Basu Commission
❌ Incorrect
◉ Planning Commission
❌ Incorrect
◉ Human Resource Commission
❌ Incorrect
◉ Finance Commission
✅ Correct
◉ non acceptance of demand
❌ Incorrect
◉ on acceptance of demand
✅ Correct
◉ when demand increases
❌ Incorrect
◉ when demand falls
❌ Incorrect
◉ judicial review
✅ Correct
◉ vice president
❌ Incorrect
◉ President
❌ Incorrect
◉ Prime minister
❌ Incorrect
◉ United Nations Court
❌ Incorrect
◉ United Nations Headquarters
❌ Incorrect
◉ United Nations Court of Human Rights
❌ Incorrect
◉ international court of justice
✅ Correct
◉ 1527 AD
❌ Incorrect
◉ in the Gupta period
✅ Correct
◉ before 2000 AD
❌ Incorrect
◉ about two hundred and three hundred years before Christ
❌ Incorrect
◉ by all chief ministers
❌ Incorrect
◉ by the Lok Sabha
❌ Incorrect
◉ by the Supreme Court
✅ Correct
◉ by the prime minister
❌ Incorrect
◉ Village, Block and District Level
✅ Correct
◉ village only
❌ Incorrect
◉ backward villages
❌ Incorrect
◉ none of these
❌ Incorrect
◉ 53rd Constitutional Amendment
❌ Incorrect
◉ 51st constitutional amendment
❌ Incorrect
◉ 50th constitutional amendment
❌ Incorrect
◉ 52nd constitutional amendment
✅ Correct
◉ in favor of upper caste
❌ Incorrect
◉ for backward classes
❌ Incorrect
◉ Those sections of the socially and educationally backward sections of the society which are economically advanced
✅ Correct
◉ in the interest of the country
❌ Incorrect
◉ Gandhiji
❌ Incorrect
◉ Bhimrao Ambedkar
❌ Incorrect
◉ Wood's dispatch to
✅ Correct
◉ Jawaharlal Nehru
❌ Incorrect
◉ 20 days
❌ Incorrect
◉ 18 days
✅ Correct
◉ 19 days
❌ Incorrect
◉ 15 days
❌ Incorrect
◉ in Puri (Orissa)
✅ Correct
◉ in Bhubaneswar
❌ Incorrect
◉ in Kerala
❌ Incorrect
◉ In Uttarakhand
❌ Incorrect
◉ to Chandragupta II
❌ Incorrect
◉ Ashoka
❌ Incorrect
◉ to Samudragupta
✅ Correct
◉ to Chandragupta
❌ Incorrect
◉ Humayun and Ibrahim Lodi
❌ Incorrect
◉ Babur and Ibrahim Lodi
✅ Correct
◉ Jalal Khan and Ibrahim Lodi
❌ Incorrect
◉ Sher Shah Suri and Ibrahim Lodi
❌ Incorrect
◉ Pandit Rambai
❌ Incorrect
◉ Gopal Krishna Gokhale
❌ Incorrect
◉ M.G. Ranade
❌ Incorrect
◉ Gopalhari Deshmukh
✅ Correct
◉ people didn't like that religion much
❌ Incorrect
◉ because it was lacking
❌ Incorrect
◉ People had hatred towards Akbar
❌ Incorrect
◉ because it was not properly presented to the public
✅ Correct
◉ Mahatma Gandhi
✅ Correct
◉ Bhimrao Ambedkar
❌ Incorrect
◉ Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
❌ Incorrect
◉ Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
❌ Incorrect
◉ from Panipat and Jharia
❌ Incorrect
◉ from Raniganj and Baghpat
❌ Incorrect
◉ from Heerpur and Ballia
❌ Incorrect
◉ from Jharia and Raniganj
✅ Correct
◉ acid rain
❌ Incorrect
◉ sleet
✅ Correct
◉ pollutant
❌ Incorrect
◉ oxide
❌ Incorrect
◉ to avoid flooding
❌ Incorrect
◉ to increase milk production
✅ Correct
◉ to save the cows
❌ Incorrect
◉ to raise the water of the rivers
❌ Incorrect
◉ photogrammetry
✅ Correct
◉ photography
❌ Incorrect
◉ photo pixa
❌ Incorrect
◉ none of these
❌ Incorrect
◉ Rajasthan
❌ Incorrect
◉ Assam
❌ Incorrect
◉ Tamil Nadu
❌ Incorrect
◉ Kerala
✅ Correct
◉ Dark woman
❌ Incorrect
◉ sharavati
✅ Correct
◉ Kaveri
❌ Incorrect
◉ Godavari
❌ Incorrect
◉ from the Pacific Ocean
✅ Correct
◉ from the Pacific Ocean
❌ Incorrect
◉ from the Indian Ocean
❌ Incorrect
◉ from the Arabian Sea
❌ Incorrect
◉ quadrilateral
❌ Incorrect
◉ circular
✅ Correct
◉ Triangle
❌ Incorrect
◉ round shape
❌ Incorrect
◉ white blood cells
✅ Correct
◉ nerves
❌ Incorrect
◉ Liver
❌ Incorrect
◉ heart
❌ Incorrect
◉ because of long legs
❌ Incorrect
◉ It has long legs and pads on its toes
✅ Correct
◉ due to lack of thirst
❌ Incorrect
◉ having paw pads
❌ Incorrect
◉ keep body temperature
❌ Incorrect
◉ oxygenate the brain
❌ Incorrect
◉ carrying blood from the heart
✅ Correct
◉ drive the heart
❌ Incorrect
◉ by the liver
❌ Incorrect
◉ by tongue
❌ Incorrect
◉ by your arm
❌ Incorrect
◉ by tendrils
✅ Correct
◉ by genetic
❌ Incorrect
◉ by chromosomes
✅ Correct
◉ by chromosome
❌ Incorrect
◉ by fertilization
❌ Incorrect
◉ asthma
❌ Incorrect
◉ warm
❌ Incorrect
◉ rabies
❌ Incorrect
◉ dental caries
✅ Correct
◉ in the liver
✅ Correct
◉ in the ovary
❌ Incorrect
◉ in kidney
❌ Incorrect
◉ none of these
❌ Incorrect