International Drug and Drug Abuse Day Quick Facts

Event NameInternational Drug and Drug Abuse Day ()
Event Started07 December 1987
Event LevelInternational Day
Observed byUnited Nations General Assembly

International Drug and Drug Abuse Day Brief

International Anti-Drug Day is observed every year on 26 June. For the prevention of drugs and substances, the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution number 42/112 on 07 December 1987 and decided to celebrate 26 June every year as 'International Day for the Prohibition of Drugs and Drugs'.

International Drug and Drug Abuse Day History

A campaign was launched by the Social Justice Department to stop the increasing trend of alcohol, drug and substance abuse in the society day by day.

The Purpose of this event was to make the society aware of the increasing Alcoholism, Tobacco, Gutka, Cigarette addiction and the ill effects of intoxicating substances, substances, so that the proper environment and consciousness to be created for the prevention of drug and drug abuse.

Due to the increase in drug and illegal transactions at the international level, became a matter of concern, then the UN. The General Assembly passed a resolution on 7 December 1987, under which it was decided to observe 26 June every year as the International Day for Anti-Drugs and Illicit Trafficking.

Through this day, it was considered necessary to make the General Public aware of the dangers of drugs and the steps taken by the government against illegal drug dealing.

International Drug and Drug Abuse Day Objective

It spreads consciousness among people on one hand, while on the other hand it also does important work in the direction of the treatment of drug addicts. On the occasion of 'International Anti-Drug Day', UNODC, Office of the 'United Nations' Office for Combating Drugs and Crime, gives a slogan.

On this occasion, the steps taken by different countries to combat drugs and the challenges faced in this path and their redressal are mentioned. The day '26th June' has become a symbol of combating drugs. On this occasion people are made aware about the ill effects of drug production, smuggling and consumption.

More info about International Drug and Drug Abuse Day

Drug situation in India and the world:

According to the latest United Nations report, India is also becoming a major heroin consumer country. It is worth mentioning that heroin is made from opium. In some parts of India, poppy is cultivated indiscriminately and traditionally its seeds 'Posto' are also made into vegetables.

But as its use started as a narcotic, it took a dangerous form. A 2001 national survey found a higher rate of opium consumption among Indian men at 0.7 percent per month among those between the ages of 12 and 60.

Similarly, according to the 2001 National Survey, the rate of cannabis use among the male population of 12 to 60 years is 3 percent month by month, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Cases (UNODC) report in India. Two-thirds of the opium that is not converted into heroin is used in five countries. It is used in Iran 42 percent, Afghanistan 7 percent, Pakistan 7 percent, India 6 percent and Russia 5 percent.

Important Days of June Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
01 JuneInternational Child Protection Day - International Day
01 JuneWorld Milk Day - International Day
05 JuneWorld Environment Day - International Day
08 JuneWorld Ocean Day - International Day
08 JuneWorld Brain Tumor Day - International Day
10 JuneWorld Eye donation Day - International Day
12 JuneWorld Child Labor Prohibition Day - International Day
14 JuneWorld Blood Donation Day - International Day
17 JuneWorld Desert and Drought Prevention Day - International Day
18 JuneInternational Picnic Day - International Day
18 JuneGoa Revolution Day - National Day
19 JuneWorld Ethnic Day - International Day
20 JuneWorld Refugee Day - International Day
21 JuneInternational Yoga Day - International Day
21 JuneWorld Music Day - International Day
23 JuneUnited Nations Public Service Day - International Day
23 JuneInternational Widows Day - International Day
26 JuneInternational Drug and Drug Abuse Day - International Day
29 JuneNational Statistics Day - National Day
जून का तीसरा रविवार of JuneWorld Father / Fathers Day (Third Sunday of June) - International Day

International Drug and Drug Abuse Day FAQs:

International Drug and Drug Abuse Day is observed every year on 26 June.

Yes, International Drug and Drug Abuse Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on June all over the World.

International Drug and Drug Abuse Day started on 07 December 1987.

International Drug and Drug Abuse Day is observed every year by United Nations General Assembly.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  15258
  Post Category :  Important Days of June