World Disability Day Quick Facts

Event NameWorld Disability Day ()
Event Started03 December 1991
Event LevelInternational Day
Observed byUnited Nations

World Disability Day Brief

World Disability Day' or 'International Day of Disabilities' is celebrated every year on 03rd December. This day is celebrated to bring physically disabled people into the mainstream of the country.

World Disability Day History

'World Disability Day' or 'International Day of Disabilities' is celebrated every year on 03rd December. This day is celebrated to bring physically disabled people in the main stream of the country. The United Nations had approved the celebration of International Day of Disabilities every year from 03 December 1991.

The year 1981 was declared by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Day of Disabilities. The United Nations General Assembly, together with the United Nations, declared the year 1983-92 as the International Day of Disabilities Decade.

In India, the implementation of schemes related to disabilities is under the control of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. The Sangam scheme deals with the handicapped in India.

World Disability Day Objective

The objective of this day is to encourage the general public to cooperate with persons with disabilities. Its purpose is to enable the environment around them.

World Disability Day Theme(s)

The celebration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities needs an effective theme for proper implementation of rules and regulations in the society for persons with disabilities. Below are the following themes for the celebration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities on annual basis:-

2021Food comes most
2020Food comes first
2019Food security
2018Women in agriculture
2017Rural poverty
2016Fishermen and fishing community
2015Small farmers
2014Rural youth
2013Food and the Environment
2012Food for the future
2011Tree for life
2010Food and Nutrition
2009Nature's Variety of Crop
2008Water for life
2007Food for all
2006Fighting Hunger and Malnutrition
2005Investing in Food Security
2004Women feed the world
2003Youth against hunger
2002A millennium free from hunger
2001Hungry to reduce poverty
2000Water: a source of food security
1999Working together for the International Coalition Against Hunger
1998Biodiversity for food security

More info about World Disability Day

What is a Disability?

Disability is defined in simple terms through physical or mental conditions such as impaired movements, sensations or activities of a person. It is not just a health problem.

The term disability does not only include physical or mental disability, but also includes diseases such as Down syndrome, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, among others. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately one lakh people worldwide suffer from some form of disability.

About 26,810,557 people (2.21% of India's population) are suffering from disability in India alone including 149 million men and 118 million women. 70 percent of these disabled people live in rural areas. According to the 2011 Census of India, hearing, vision or mobility related disabilities are commonly found among people with disabilities.

Types of Disability:

  • Visual Impairment: Partial blindness or total blindness in vision/impairment.
  • Hearing Impairment: Poor hearing or hearing loss.
  • Speech impairment: Difficulty speaking.
  • Mobility Defect: Difficulty in walking.
  • Mental retardation: Mental incapacity and mental illness.
  • Learning Disability: Difficulty in learning. For example: dyslexia (difficulty in reading, interpreting words or letters).
  • Dysgraphia: Dysgraphia (inability to write consistently) and dyscalculia (inability to perform arithmetic calculations).
  • Multiple Disability: This disability affects multiple parts of the body.

Important Days of December Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
01 DecemberWorld AIDS Day - International Day
02 DecemberInternational Slave Eradication Day - International Day
03 DecemberWorld Disability Day - International Day
04 DecemberIndian Navy Day - National Day
05 DecemberWorld Soil Day - International Day
05 DecemberInternational Volunteer Day - International Day
07 DecemberInternational Civil Aviation Day - International Day
09 DecemberInternational Anti-Corruption Day - International Day
10 DecemberInternational Human Rights Day - International Day
11 DecemberInternational Mountains Day - International Day
14 DecemberNational Energy Conservation Day - National Day
16 DecemberNational Victory Day - National Day
18 DecemberInternational Minority Rights Day - International Day
20 DecemberInternational Human Unity Day - International Day
22 DecemberNational Mathematics Day - National Day
23 DecemberNational Farmers Day - National Day
24 DecemberNational Consumer Day - National Day
25 DecemberChristmas Day - International Day

World Disability Day FAQs:

World Disability Day is observed every year on 03 December.

Yes, World Disability Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on December all over the World.

World Disability Day started on 03 December 1991.

World Disability Day is observed every year by United Nations.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  12222
  Post Category :  Important Days of December