Valentine's Day Quick Facts

Event NameValentine's Day ()
Event Started1992
Event LevelInternational Day

Valentine's Day Brief

Every year 'Valentine's Day' is celebrated on 14th February all over the world. In English-speaking countries, it is a traditional day in which lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine's Cards, Flowers, Sweets, etc. This day is celebrated in the memory of Saint Valentine. The practice of Valentine's Day started in India around 1992.

Valentine's Day History

It is said that Rome was ruled by King Cladius in the third century. At that time, the plague killed 5000 people a day. Due to a large number of casualties, the Roman army began to face a shortage of soldiers. The King felt the need for more soldiers.

Claudius believed that an unmarried man could fight well, so he banned Traditional marriages in the army. At that time Saint Valentine was the clergyman in Rome or the bishop in Terni, central Italy. He was against the orders of the Roman king Claudius. They started marrying soldiers in secret. When the king came to know about this, he ordered his death.

Saint Valentine was arrested. When he was to be put to death. Before that the jailer Asterius asked him to pray for his blind daughter. Such a miracle happened because of Saint Valentine's prayer that her daughter's eyesight came and she started seeing. Impressed by this, the jailer converted to Christianity.

On 14 February 269 AD, Saint Valentine was put to death. Then in 496 AD, Pope Glacius declared 14 February as 'St. Valentine's Day'. Valentine, which started with the wish of mutual love and harmony among the people of the society, is now mainly celebrated as a festival of love for lovers.

In India too, the practice of celebrating Valentine's Day has increased a lot over the last two decades. Indian youth have started celebrating Valentine's Day with great pomp. Young couples have started giving each other a variety of expensive gifts ranging from valentine's cards.

Valentine's Day Objective

It is celebrated as a Western Christian feast honoring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine and is recognized as an Important cultural, Religious, and celebrated as a Commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.

How to celebrate Valentine's Day

On this day people send greeting cards and gifts, and new modern-day people dating. The Greeting Card Association of America estimates that approximately One billion Valentines are sent around the world each year, making the holiday known as the second largest card-sending day, after Christmas.

The Association estimates that, on average, men spend twice as much money as women in the United States. Every year millions of people use digital methods, such as e-cards, love coupons, and printable greeting cards, to create and send Valentine's Day greetings.

More info about Valentine's Day

Celebrations and status in different countries

Celebrated on 14 February, this day is celebrated in different countries in different ways and with different beliefs. In western countries, this day is celebrated in its own way, but in eastern countries also there is a way of celebrating this day.

While in China this day is special for the hearts of the Nights of Sevens in love, in Japan and Korea this festival is known as White Day. Not only this, people in these countries express their love for a whole month from this day and express their feelings by giving gifts and flowers to each other.

Important Days of February Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
02 FebruaryWorld Wetlands Day - International Day
04 FebruaryWorld Cancer Day - International Day
14 FebruaryValentine's Day - International Day
20 FebruaryWorld Day of Social Justice - International Day
21 FebruaryInternational Mother Language Day - International Day
22 FebruaryWorld Thinking Day - International Day
24 FebruaryCentral Excise Day - National Day
28 FebruaryNational Science Day - National Day

Valentine's Day FAQs:

Valentine's Day is observed every year on 14 February.

Yes, Valentine's Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on February all over the World.

Valentine's Day started on 1992.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  8434
  Post Category :  Important days of February