World Organ Donation Day Quick Facts

Event NameWorld Organ Donation Day ()
Event LevelInternational Day

World Organ Donation Day Brief

Organ Donation Day is celebrated every year on 13 August in India and various countries of the world. To understand the importance of organ donation in a person's life as well as to encourage the common man to donate organs, this day is celebrated every year by Government organizations and people related to other businesses.

More info about World Organ Donation Day

What is Organ Donation?

Donating body tissue or any organ of a living or dead person is called organ donation. In organ donation organ donor organs such as heart, liver, kidney, intestine, lungs, and pancreas are donated to be transplanted into a needy person after his death. This tissue or organ is transplanted into the body of another living person. For this purpose, the donated organ is surgically removed from the donor's body.

Importance of Organ Donation Day:

According to a report, at least 5 lakh Indians die every year due to damage to the main functional organs of a person at any given time. They still want to live because they are not satisfied with their life, but due to natural crisis they are unable to do so.

Organ transplantation can play a big role in her beautiful life by increasing her time to live a life that exceeds her expectations. The organ donor plays the role of a god in the life of a transplanted person.

An organ donor can save more than 8 lives by donating his well-functioning organs. The Organ Donation Day campaign, which is celebrated on 13th August, gives a wonderful opportunity in everyone's life to move forward and take a pledge to donate their precious organs.

Objectives of Organ Donation Day: The main objectives of celebrating Organ Donation Day are-

  • To make people aware about the need for organ donation.
  • To spread the message of organ donation across the country.
  • Removing people's hesitation about donating organs.
  • To express gratitude to the organ donor.
  • To encourage more people in their lives to donate organs.

Which organ can be donated by a human?

The following are the organs that can be donated by humans:-

  1. Kidney
  2. Lung
  3. Heart
  4. Eye
  5. Liver
  6. Digestive gland
  7. The white hard part protecting the pupil of the eye.
  8. Gut
  9. Skin tissue
  10. Bone tissue
  11. Heart hole
  12. Nerves

Where and how one can donate organs: Major NGOs in the country involved in organ donation include:

  • Mohan Institute
  • Own organ donation institute
  • Centenary
  • Gift to a life

Interesting important facts related to organ donation:

  • Any person, irrespective of age, caste, religion and community, can donate an organ.
  • There is no fixed age for donating an organ.
  • The decision to donate organs is not made on the basis of age, but on the basis of purely medical criteria.
  • Tissues such as the cornea, heart valves, skin, and bone can be donated in case of natural death, but only liver, kidney, intestine, lungs, and pancreas can be donated in case of 'brain death'. Is.
  • Organs such as the heart, pancreas, liver, kidneys and lungs are transplanted into organ recipients whose organs have failed, so that these recipients can live a normal life.
  • Organ donors under the age of eighteen are required to obtain the consent of their parents or guardians before they can donate an organ.
  • Organ donation should be avoided if you have serious conditions such as active cancer, HIV, diabetes, kidney disease or heart disease.

Important Days of August Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
06 AugustHiroshima Day - International Day
10 AugustDengue prevention day - International Day
12 AugustWorld Elephant Day - International Day
12 AugustInternational Youth Day - International Day
13 AugustWorld Organ Donation Day - International Day
15 AugustIndependence Day: India - National Day
19 AugustWorld Photography Day - International Day
20 AugustWorld Mosquito Day - International Day
20 AugustGoodwill Day - National Day
26 AugustInternational Women's Equality Day - International Day
29 AugustNational Sports Day - National Day
30 AugustInternational Small Industry Day - International Day
31 AugustWorld Sanskrit Day - International Day
अगस्त माह का पहला रविवार of AugustInternational Friendship Day - International Day
अगस्त माह का पहला सप्ताह of AugustWorld Breastfeeding Week - International Day

World Organ Donation Day FAQs:

World Organ Donation Day is observed every year on 13 August.

Yes, World Organ Donation Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on August all over the World.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  12362
  Post Category :  Important Days of August