World Darshan Day Quick Facts

Event NameWorld Darshan Day ()
Event Started21 November 2002
Event LevelInternational Day
Observed byUNESCO

World Darshan Day Brief

World Philosophy Day is celebrated every year on the third Thursday of November under the leadership of UNESCO. It was first celebrated on 21 November 2002. In the year 2020, World Philosophy Day was celebrated on 19 November. World Philosophy Day will be celebrated on 18 November in the year 2021. In the year 2022, November 17 will be celebrated as World Philosophy Day.

World Darshan Day History

World Philosophy Day was first celebrated on 21 November 2002. UNESCO has declared World Philosophy Day to be observed on the third Thursday of every day, to encourage academic exchange and to highlight the contribution of philosophical knowledge to the solution of global issues.

In the year 2002, World Philosophy Day was first started by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). In the year 2005, the General Conference of UNESCO announced to observe World Philosophy Day on every third Thursday of November every year.

World Darshan Day Objective

The purpose of this day is to encourage all the people of the world to share the Philosophical heritage and openness to new ideas as well as to inspire intellectuals and civilized society to discuss social challenges.

More info about World Darshan Day

What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is the study of the nature of reality and existence, what is possible to know, and right and wrong behavior. It comes from the Greek word philosophisa, which means 'love of knowledge.' It is one of the most important areas of human thought as it aspires to achieve in the very meaning of life.

Over the centuries, in every culture, philosophy has given rise to concepts, ideas and analyses, and, through it, set the basis for critical, independent and creative thought. Philosophy helps to strengthen these authentic foundations of peaceful coexistence.

Important Days of November Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
10 NovemberWorld Science Day - International Day
11 NovemberNational Education Day - National Day
12 NovemberNational Bird Day - National Day
14 NovemberChildrens Day - International Day
14 NovemberWorld Diabetes Day - International Day
16 NovemberInternational Tolerance Day - International Day
17 NovemberNational Epilepsy (Apasmar) Day - National Day
17 NovemberNational Journalism Day - National Day
19 NovemberWorld Toilet Day - International Day
20 NovemberInternational Child Rights Day - International Day
21 NovemberWorld Fisheries Day - International Day
21 NovemberWorld Doordarshan (Television) Day - International Day
22 NovemberJhalkari Bai Jayanti - National Day
25 NovemberInternational Womens Violence Eradication Day - International Day
26 NovemberNational Law Day - National Day
26 NovemberWorld Environment Protection Day - International Day
26 NovemberNational Milk Day - National Day
नवंबर माह का तीसरा गुरुवार of NovemberWorld Darshan Day - International Day

World Darshan Day FAQs:

World Darshan Day is observed every year on नवंबर माह का तीसरा गुरुवार November.

Yes, World Darshan Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on November all over the World.

World Darshan Day started on 21 November 2002.

World Darshan Day is observed every year by UNESCO.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  9661
  Post Category :  Important Days of November