Find Hindi meaning of Abate. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Abate" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Abate" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definition(of something unpleasant or severe) become less intense or widespread.
Hindi Meaning of Abateधीमा, मध्यम, मन्द, शान्त, कम करना, घटाना, रोकना, उपशमन, निवारण, समाप्त करना
Synonyms of AbateDiminish, Dwindle, Ebb
Antonyms of AbateAugment, Enhance, Intensify

Use of "Abate" word in sentences, examples

  • A notice to abate is issued to a citizen who is violating a city ordinance before legal action is taken.
  • Fierce fighting in Syria's Aleppo but air raids abate
  • Australia adopted an ordinance to partially abate the village's portion of the real estate taxes levied on the 57-acre Weber-Stephen Products property.
  • The commercialisation of Abate pears is rather slow at the Mumbai wholesale market.
  • Mpho Tutu: LGBTI call for equal rights in Anglican Church won't abate.

Similar words of "Abate"

Diminishमहत्व घटना, घटाना, काम करना, काम होना, क्षीण करना, काम हो जाना, गिरावट होना, ह्रास होना
Dwindleघटना, सिकुड़ना, काम होना, क्षीण होना, कमी आना, घटाना
Subsideबैठ जाना, शांत पड़ना, धीमा होना नीचे होना, घटना, उतर जाना, धँस जाना
Surgeआवेश, लहर, तरंग, हिलोर, उमड़ पड़ना, बेहतर प्रदर्शन करना, फूलना, आगे बढ़ना
Waneकमी, क्षय, घटाव, घटना, ढलना, पतन, अवनति, गिरावट, अस्तगमन

Abate FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Abate is, धीमा, मध्यम, मन्द, शान्त, कम करना, घटाना, रोकना, उपशमन, निवारण, समाप्त करना.

Similar words for Abate are Diminish, Dwindle, Ebb.

The Definition of Abate is (of something unpleasant or severe) become less intense or widespread..

Augment, Enhance, Intensify, are antonyms of the Abate word.

Abate is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4217
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning