Find Hindi meaning of Absurd. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Absurd" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Absurd" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitionan absurd state of affairs.
Hindi Meaning of Absurdबेतुका, निरर्थक, विवेकशून्य, असंगत, अयुक्त, हास्यप्रद, विसंगतिवाद
Synonyms of AbsurdFoolish, Idiotic, Silly
Antonyms of AbsurdLogical, Reasonable, Rational

Use of "Absurd" word in sentences, examples

  • NDP quota policy theatre of the absurd
  • John Tesar Eats the Most Absurd Fried Foods in Texas
  • UNESCO's absurd decision reflects the world's honest opinion
  • Donald Trump's absurd double standard on sexual assault
  • Hertsmere MP criticises 'absurd' decision to cancel train
  • I was not expecting such an absurd behavior from your side.
  • Don’t ask me absurd question when I am teaching you an important topic.
  • She caught red handed while cheating on board examination and not she is giving absurd explanation.
  • After the Kargil war, India and Pakistan had tried to start friendly conversation so many times but it all turned into absurd discourse every time.
  • Why we are fighting over caste, creed, religion in this abrupt world.

Similar words of "Absurd"

Fatuousमूर्खतापूर्ण, खली, बुद्धिहीन, विचारहीन, नादाँ, निरर्थक, निर्जीव, बेमत्लव का
Wackyपागल, हास्यपद, विसंगत, अनगर्ल, अनर्थक, निरर्थक, बेतुका, बेढंगा

Absurd FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Absurd is, बेतुका, निरर्थक, विवेकशून्य, असंगत, अयुक्त, हास्यप्रद, विसंगतिवाद.

Similar words for Absurd are Foolish, Idiotic, Silly.

The Definition of Absurd is an absurd state of affairs..

Logical, Reasonable, Rational, are antonyms of the Absurd word.

Absurd is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5667
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning