Find Hindi meaning of Acquaint. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Acquaint" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Acquaint" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typeverb
Word Definitionknow someone slightly.
Hindi Meaning of Acquaintसुचना देना, परिचित कराना, जानकारी देना, प्राप्त करना, अवगत होना, जान-पहचान, मुलाकाती
Synonyms of AcquaintInform, Apprise, Notify
Antonyms of AcquaintConceal, Nide, Withhold

Use of "Acquaint" word in sentences, examples

  • They will also visit the gallery, which will acquaint them with great legacy of the Customs Department.
  • He travelled across the country to acquaint himself with the actual situation in those areas
  • The primary goal is to acquaint children, who have grown up with Cartoon Network and Japanese comics, with Indian mythology.
  • She does it to acquaint people to the world, knowing well, a few would prefer venturing out on those less privileged lands
  • The aim was to acquaint Muslims with the Renaissance breeze in order to extricate them from the decades of slumber and sloth.

Similar words of "Acquaint"

Appriseजताना, बतलाना, सुचना देना, सूचित करना, अवगत कराना, विदित कराना, मुद्रस्फीति करना

Acquaint FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Acquaint is, सुचना देना, परिचित कराना, जानकारी देना, प्राप्त करना, अवगत होना, जान-पहचान, मुलाकाती.

Similar words for Acquaint are Inform, Apprise, Notify.

The Definition of Acquaint is know someone slightly..

Conceal, Nide, Withhold, are antonyms of the Acquaint word.

Acquaint is a verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3145
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning