Find Hindi meaning of Adore. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Adore" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Adore" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typeverb
Word Definitionlove and respect (someone) deeply.
Hindi Meaning of Adoreपूजा, आराधना, प्यार, आदर करना, श्रद्धा रखना, बहुत पसंद करना, चाहना
Synonyms of AdoreIdolize, Revere, Venerate
Antonyms of AdoreAbhor, Despise, Loathe

Use of "Adore" word in sentences, examples

  • Michelle Visage Got Death Threats Over Adore
  • Then they repeat the "Let us adore," the Lord's Prayer, and read the Gospel
  • "You know, I adore little girls, they lose their heads at once," pursued Anatole.
  • Let them therefore not adore a cross of gold or silver or bronze or stone.
  • Let them therefore not adore the cross.

Similar words of "Adore"

Abominateनफरत करना, नापसंद करना, घृणा करना, झिझकना, अनिच्छा प्रकट करना
Detestनफरत करना, छिड़ना, तुच्छ समझना, नापसन्द करना, हय समझना, देष रखना
Relishआनन्द, उत्साह, चटनी, चाशनी, जोश, मजा लज्जत, स्वाद, पसंद आना, चखना
Scornठुकराना, नफरत,तिरस्कार,उपहास,इन्कार करना, तुच्छ, समझना, हंसी उड़ाना
Venerateपूजा, मानना, सम्मान करना, आदर करना, श्रद्धा करना, इज्जत करना, बड़ा मानना

Adore FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Adore is, पूजा, आराधना, प्यार, आदर करना, श्रद्धा रखना, बहुत पसंद करना, चाहना.

Similar words for Adore are Idolize, Revere, Venerate.

The Definition of Adore is love and respect (someone) deeply..

Abhor, Despise, Loathe, are antonyms of the Adore word.

Adore is a verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5123
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning