Find Hindi meaning of Adventurous. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Adventurous" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Adventurous" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionfull of excitement
Hindi Meaning of Adventurousसाहसी, जांबाज, निडर, जीवटवाला, उघमशील, उत्साही, जोखिमपूर्ण, रोमांचक
Synonyms of AdventurousBold, Daredevil, Daring
Antonyms of AdventurousCautious, Safe, Timid

Use of "Adventurous" word in sentences, examples

  • A “sexually adventurous” Newcastle offender was snared online by a man posing as a 15-year-old boy. 
  • Love and Sex 6 adventurous sex moves you have never tried
  • Indians are considered as the most adventurous travellers in Asia-Pacific with 45 per cent of vacationers from the sub-continent
  • “Their love life is exciting, adventurous and that comes from Miley's open mind, her pansexuality and Liam loves it.
  • He has such an adventurous spirit.
  • Let’s go on this trip where we can enjoy paragliding, river-rafting and other adventurous outdoor activities.
  • An entrepreneur should be adventurous to face failure in his life.
  • Lady Gaga is an adventurous stylist who always something new and bizarre fashion trend.
  • Roller-coaster is the most adventurous game in Water Park.
  • If you are adventurous then prove it by staying one night in that haunted room.

Similar words of "Adventurous"

Staidगंभीर, शांत, संतुलित, सौम्य, स्थिर, अचल, उबाऊ
Stodgyउबाऊ, गरिष्ट, घिसा-पीटा, नीरस, दमघोंटू, घुटन भरा, अप्रसारती
Venturesomeदिलेर, दु:साहसी, साहसी, ढीठ, निडर, अक्खड़, निर्भीक, रोमांचकारी

Adventurous FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Adventurous is, साहसी, जांबाज, निडर, जीवटवाला, उघमशील, उत्साही, जोखिमपूर्ण, रोमांचक.

Similar words for Adventurous are Bold, Daredevil, Daring.

The Definition of Adventurous is full of excitement.

Cautious, Safe, Timid , are antonyms of the Adventurous word.

Adventurous is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2572
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning