Find Hindi meaning of Adversity. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Adversity" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Adversity" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiona difficult or unpleasant situation.
Hindi Meaning of Adversityदुर्भाग्य, गरीब, बदहाली, विपत्ति, मुसीबत, कठिनाई, प्रतिकूलता
Synonyms of AdversityMisfortune, Unluckiness, Haplessness
Antonyms of AdversityProsperity, Fortune, Happiness

Use of "Adversity" word in sentences, examples

  • Lewis Hamilton on dealing with fame, adversity and the media spotlight
  • It's been amazing to see this guy grow and really punch adversity in the face.
  • Terry Francona proud of way Cleveland Indians handle adversity
  • Mum Dianne battles adversity to win award
  • Frederick's mishap was one of only a series of misfortunes for the Vikings, who seemed to excel under adversity.

Similar words of "Adversity"

Hardshipआफत, कठिनाई, कष्ट, तकलीफ, दुःख, मुसीबत, विपत्ति, विपदा, सख्ती, संकट
Misfortuneदुर्भाग्य, विपति, अनर्थ, दुर्घटना

Adversity FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Adversity is, दुर्भाग्य, गरीब, बदहाली, विपत्ति, मुसीबत, कठिनाई, प्रतिकूलता.

Similar words for Adversity are Misfortune, Unluckiness, Haplessness.

The Definition of Adversity is a difficult or unpleasant situation..

Prosperity, Fortune, Happiness, are antonyms of the Adversity word.

Adversity is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5493
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning