Find Hindi meaning of Aggressive. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Aggressive" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Aggressive" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionbehaving or done in a determined and forceful way.
Hindi Meaning of Aggressiveआक्रामक, आक्रमणशील, लड़ाका, उत्साही, गुस्सैल
Synonyms of AggressiveHostile, Militant, Combative
Antonyms of AggressiveComplaisant, Laid Back, Easy-Going

Use of "Aggressive" word in sentences, examples

  • One Texas builder is using an aggressive marketing operation to carve out success on the opposite side of the spectrum.
  • Stevens said that depth has allowed the team to be more aggressive.
  • Going after U.S. political organizations is a new aggressive spin on the political cycle.
  • "You can see a new, more aggressive level about his play at this moment in time. 
  • Mercedes' rivals have gone aggressive in their tyre selections for the Mexican Grand Prix at the end of October.

Similar words of "Aggressive"

Demureगंभीर, दिखावटी, नखरेबाज, शांत, संकोची, सलज्ज, समय, नखरेबाज, नम्र
Diffidenceआत्मसंशय, संकोह, बुजदिली, कायरता, हाथ, विन्रम, सुशील, लज्जालु, शालीन
Frigidशीतल, बहुत ठण्डा, जमा हुआ, अवरुद्ध, स्तम्भित, स्थिर, हिमाच्छादित, रुका हुआ
Resourcefulसाधन सम्पन्न, उपायकुशल, चतुर, युतिसम्पन्न
Sedateस्थिर, गंभीर, धीमा, शांत, संयत, शामक औषिधि देना
Servileदास जैसा, जी-हुजूरिया, ताबेदार, दास, नीच, दास्वत, ज्यो-का-त्वों

Aggressive FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Aggressive is, आक्रामक, आक्रमणशील, लड़ाका, उत्साही, गुस्सैल.

Similar words for Aggressive are Hostile, Militant, Combative.

The Definition of Aggressive is behaving or done in a determined and forceful way..

Complaisant, Laid Back, Easy-Going, are antonyms of the Aggressive word.

Aggressive is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4364
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning