Find Hindi meaning of Alike. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Alike" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Alike" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typeadverb
Word Definitionin the same or a similar way.
Hindi Meaning of Alikeतुल्य, सद्रश, समान, एक जैसा, समरूप, एक ही तरह का
Synonyms of AlikeAnalogous, Comparable, Identical
Antonyms of AlikeDistinct, Diverse, Dissimilar

Use of "Alike" word in sentences, examples

  • Lady Gaga mimics Madonna's style as she suits up in New York on Friday... after saying they were not alike.
  • The 4th annual Pink Pooch Parade held in Olde Town Conyers Sunday afternoon was enjoyed by dogs and people alike.
  • There has been a long-running joke about how Lil Mama and Bow Wow look very much alike.
  • Just look at how he interacted with this child look-alikeduring a North Carolina rally. 
  • Phoenix's Khan sets example for blind and sighted alike.

Similar words of "Alike"

Agnateसगोत्र, पिता पक्ष का, पैतृक, बपौती,अभिभावकीय, कुटुम्बी, सजातीय, रिश्तेदारी
Analogousसद्रश, अनुरूप, समरूप, तुल्य, सहधर्मी, समवर्ती, सहसार्थक, समान
Disparateपृथक, अलक, एकांत, अकेला, असमं, भिन्न, विविध, विविधतापूर्ण, असंगत
Heterogeneousविविध, विभिन्न, नाना प्रकार के, परिवर्तित, आस्मां, भिन्न-भिन्न
Homogenousसजातीय, समरूप, समाँगी, सवर्ण, एक-सा, एक ही प्रकार का

Alike FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Alike is, तुल्य, सद्रश, समान, एक जैसा, समरूप, एक ही तरह का.

Similar words for Alike are Analogous, Comparable, Identical.

The Definition of Alike is in the same or a similar way..

Distinct, Diverse, Dissimilar, are antonyms of the Alike word.

Alike is a adverb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2789
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning