Find Hindi meaning of Apathy. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Apathy" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Apathy" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitionlack of interest
Hindi Meaning of Apathyउदासीनता, निर्जनता, बेपरवाही, अनुरागहीनता, संवेनहीनता, सुन्नता, विरक्ति, उपेक्षा
Synonyms of ApathyIndifference, Lassitude, Ennui
Antonyms of ApathyCare, Concern, Sympathy

Use of "Apathy" word in sentences, examples

  • Local Democratic Committee across Western New York are mobilizing to fight voter apathy and get people to the polls this Nov. 
  • Netizens decry bystander apathy towards 18-year-old stabbing victim. 
  • Hammer throw death lays bare Sports Dept's apathy.
  • But is political apathy really the problem, asks Marianne Elliott.
  • There may be some banners and boos, but it will be apathy rather than anger that tells the story. 

Similar words of "Apathy"

Empathyप्रनुभूति, समानुभिति, दया, करुणा, हमदर्दी, रहम, तरस खाना
Fervorउत्साह, चौ, जोश, व्यग्रता, उत्कण्ठा, ललक, जोश, हलचल, उत्तेजना
Vehemenceउग्रता, तीव्रता, प्रचण्डता, तेज़ी, शक्ति, जोर, प्रभाव, महत्व, बल, असर
Zealउत्साह, जोश, सरगर्मी, धर्मोत्साह

Apathy FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Apathy is, उदासीनता, निर्जनता, बेपरवाही, अनुरागहीनता, संवेनहीनता, सुन्नता, विरक्ति, उपेक्षा.

Similar words for Apathy are Indifference, Lassitude, Ennui.

The Definition of Apathy is lack of interest.

Care, Concern, Sympathy, are antonyms of the Apathy word.

Apathy is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3100
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning