Find Hindi meaning of Aspersion. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Aspersion" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Aspersion" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitionan attack of reputation someone or something
Hindi Meaning of Aspersionअपवाद, कलंक, दोष, बदनामी, मानहानि, अपभाषण, अपयश, अपवाद, निंदा
Synonyms of AspersionSlander, Slul, Calumny
Antonyms of AspersionCalmness, Mildness, Happiness

Use of "Aspersion" word in sentences, examples

  • CBI has also termed the litigation moved by Sajjan Kumar castingaspersion over Judge as an attempt to intimidate the Court.
  • In chess, the wrong colored bishop is not a racist aspersion.
  • “Crooked Hillary,” a common epithet used by Trump and his supporters to castaspersion on his opponent.
  • The easiest way to get under Trump's skin is to cast some sort of aspersion on his business, his brand, or his career.
  • He said the idea of such an inquiry is an attempt to cast an "aspersion to my character.”

Aspersion FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Aspersion is, अपवाद, कलंक, दोष, बदनामी, मानहानि, अपभाषण, अपयश, अपवाद, निंदा.

Similar words for Aspersion are Slander, Slul, Calumny.

The Definition of Aspersion is an attack of reputation someone or something.

Calmness, Mildness, Happiness, are antonyms of the Aspersion word.

Aspersion is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  1899
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning