Find Hindi meaning of Audacious. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Audacious" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Audacious" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionshowing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks.
Hindi Meaning of Audaciousअक्खड़, उज्दड़, ढीठ, दु:साहसी, ध्रष्ट, निडर, साहसी, निर्भीक, बहादुर, शूरवीर
Synonyms of AudaciousFoolhardy, Impudent, Heroic
Antonyms of AudaciousMeek, Mild, Timid

Use of "Audacious" word in sentences, examples

  • It's an audacious strategy as the self-effacing singer has never exactly been a human firework.
  • Police officers have made an audacious swoop on a series of luxury strip clubs and brothels disguised as hotels
  • “Nothing could be further from the truth” is a particularly audacious lie because of its apparent degree of certitude.
  • I rechecked the definition of the word “audacious” to try to get a clear sense of the Administration's stated approach.
  • Helen Kelly's vision for a better New Zealand was simple but audacious.

Similar words of "Audacious"

Brazenनिर्लज्ज, बेशर्म, ध्रष्ट, अक्खड़, उजड्ड, दु:साहसी, बदतमीज़
Circumspectसावधान, चौकन्ना, चौकस, सतर्क होशियार, चतुर, बुद्धिमान, चैतन्य, समझदार
Dastardlyकायर, डरपोक, बुजदिल, भीरु, कातर, नीच
Gallantसाहसिक, साहसी, बहादुर, रंगीला, भड़कीला, शानदार, जांबाज, रसिक, मनुष्य, छेला
Intrepidनिडर, निर्भर, बहादुर, साहसी, मजबूत, शूरवीर
Pushyअति, महत्वकांक्षी, दस्तंदाज़, पीतल का
Stoutमजबूत, साहसी, दिलेर, बलवान, मोटा
Timidबुजदिल, कायर, डरपोक, संकोचशील, घबराने वाला, संशयी, शंकालु, भीरु
Undauntedअविचलित, अडिग, निडर, साहसी, बहादुर, निर्भिक, जांबाज, अभित
Venturesomeदिलेर, दु:साहसी, साहसी, ढीठ, निडर, अक्खड़, निर्भीक, रोमांचकारी

Audacious FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Audacious is, अक्खड़, उज्दड़, ढीठ, दु:साहसी, ध्रष्ट, निडर, साहसी, निर्भीक, बहादुर, शूरवीर.

Similar words for Audacious are Foolhardy, Impudent, Heroic.

The Definition of Audacious is showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks..

Meek, Mild, Timid, are antonyms of the Audacious word.

Audacious is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2975
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning