Find Hindi meaning of Bare. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Bare" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Bare" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionnot clothed or covered (a person or thing)
Hindi Meaning of Bareकेवल, खाली, थोड़ा, नंगा, नग्न, सही, स्पष्ट, अनलंकृत, अनावृत, अल्प
Synonyms of BareUnclad, Naked, Empty
Antonyms of BareClothed, Robbed, Covered

Use of "Bare" word in sentences, examples

  • The 30-year-old singer dared to bare as she seemingly ditched her knickers and went commando in a pair of cut-away denim shorts.
  • You Want It Darker review – killer couplets over bare bones.
  • Mak the vile barracks o thair maisters bare.
  • Billie Faiers' fans have called her 20-week bump “tiny” after she shared her first barebump selfie on Instagram.
  • Sometimes you can use your brute strength to rip string apart with your bare hands. 

Similar words of "Bare"

Discloseखोलना, दिखाना, प्रदर्शन करना, उघाड़ना, प्रकट करना, स्पष्ट करना, जाहिर करना, बताना
Vacuousखाली, खोखला, भावशून्य, शून्य, मूड, कोरा, रिक्त, खाली समय, सादा

Bare FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Bare is, केवल, खाली, थोड़ा, नंगा, नग्न, सही, स्पष्ट, अनलंकृत, अनावृत, अल्प.

Similar words for Bare are Unclad, Naked, Empty.

The Definition of Bare is not clothed or covered (a person or thing).

Clothed, Robbed, Covered, are antonyms of the Bare word.

Bare is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5345
  Post Category :  B Letter Words and Meaning