Find Hindi meaning of Bemuse. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Bemuse" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Bemuse" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionpuzzle
Hindi Meaning of Bemuseमदहोश कर देना, हतबुद्धि करना, चौंधियाना, चकित करना, चकरा देना, स्तब्ध करना
Synonyms of BemuseDaze, Benumb, Stun
Antonyms of BemuseEnlighten, Illuminate, Clear Up

Use of "Bemuse" word in sentences, examples

  • His performances, especially when at the heart of defence, continue to bemuseForest fans.
  • The contemporary art on display included paintings and sculptures but also installation pieces that seemed to bemuse guests.
  • Now, that is a test and a half to bemuse the best and brightest. 
  • Shocks and scares to bemuse and bewilder you.
  •  Although there is much room for improvement, it is a fresh and fun performance that will both entertain and bemuse.

Similar words of "Bemuse"

Stunसुन्न करना, अचेत करना, चकित करना, भौंचक होना, प्रभावित होना

Bemuse FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Bemuse is, मदहोश कर देना, हतबुद्धि करना, चौंधियाना, चकित करना, चकरा देना, स्तब्ध करना.

Similar words for Bemuse are Daze, Benumb, Stun.

The Definition of Bemuse is puzzle.

Enlighten, Illuminate, Clear Up, are antonyms of the Bemuse word.

Bemuse is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2362
  Post Category :  B Letter Words and Meaning