Find Hindi meaning of Benevolent. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Benevolent" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Benevolent" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionwell meaning and kindly.
Hindi Meaning of Benevolentदयालु, परोपकारी, शिलबंत, शुभचिंतक, सद्भावपूर्ण, हितेषी, भला चाहने वाला
Synonyms of BenevolentBenign, Caring, Chivalrous
Antonyms of BenevolentMalevolent, Mean, Spiteful

Use of "Benevolent" word in sentences, examples

  • A few weeks ago, he made the benevolent comment that he'd like to see a "process whereby there are more women" in parliament.
  • Companies need both a firm and benevolent leadership: it's a question of knowing what to do and be when.
  • Pragun Jindal Khaitan brings about social awareness through benevolent initiative. 
  • Sexism was defined using the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory to measure the various levels of hostile and benevolent sexism.
  • Ex-Salvation Army worker Robert Burnett was said to be an "affectionate, benevolent father figure" for the children in his care.

Similar words of "Benevolent"

Altruisticस्वार्थहीन, नि:स्वार्थ, परोपकार, भद्र, दयालु, सह्रदय, सौम्य, अनुग्रही
Benignअनुकूल, कृपालु, दयालु, कृपाशील, भद्र-मामूली, सुसाध्य, सुहाना, सौम्य, हितकारी, मृदु स्वाभाव
Effeteअशक्त, जीर्ण, क्षीण, भृष्ट,दूषित करना, पतित, क्षयोन्मुख, दुव्यर्सनी, दुराचारी
Grabbyलालची, लोभी, लोलुप, परिग्रही, पेटू, भुक्खड़, उत्सुक, सरगर्म
Insatiateउत्साही, उत्सुल, सरगर्म, क्षुधातुर, लालची, अभिलक्षि, अकांशी, इच्छुक
Maliciousदुर्जन, द्रोही, देषी, दुर्भावनापूर्ण, डाही, ईर्ष्यालु, अनैतिक, निन्दनीय, दृष्ट
Philanthropicपरोपकारी, लोक-हितैषी, लोकोपकारी, सर्वजन उपकारी, दयालु, शुभचिंतक
Sinisterबुरा, बेईमान, मनहूस, अशुभ, कपटी, कुटिल, डरावना, अपशकुन, अनिष्टकारी
Smugआत्म-संतुष्ट, ब्न०थ्न, छेल-छबीला, अपने हाल में मस्त, मस्तमौला, मनमौजी

Benevolent FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Benevolent is, दयालु, परोपकारी, शिलबंत, शुभचिंतक, सद्भावपूर्ण, हितेषी, भला चाहने वाला.

Similar words for Benevolent are Benign, Caring, Chivalrous.

The Definition of Benevolent is well meaning and kindly..

Malevolent, Mean, Spiteful, are antonyms of the Benevolent word.

Benevolent is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4597
  Post Category :  B Letter Words and Meaning