Find Hindi meaning of Brash. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Brash" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Brash" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionself-assertive in a rude
Hindi Meaning of Brashढीठ, भड़कीला, ध्रष्ट, गुस्ताख़, आशंकित, हैरान, तनावग्रस्त
Synonyms of BrashImpetuous, Reckless, Slapdash
Antonyms of BrashCautious, Discreet, Careful

Use of "Brash" word in sentences, examples

  • The brash lawyer who won NBA player Derrick Rose's rape trial
  • Scottish nationalism's brash new face
  • 'I'm a gentleman': Trump menaces Clinton with imposing presence and brash insults. 
  • Rex Ryan has a brash message for the Patriots following Bills victory
  • Local MMA gym embraces brash reputation

Similar words of "Brash"

Headlongअंधाधुंध, बिना सोचे-समझे, बड़ी तेजी से, सिर के बल, जल्दबाजी में अविचारी
Impetuousअविवेकी, क्रोधी, जोरदार, तेज़, प्रचंड, प्रवर्तक, प्रोत्साहक, मोजी, आवेगी, प्रेरक
Impulsiveआवेगशील, प्रवर्तक, प्रेरक, प्रोत्साहक, मौजी, आवेगी, प्रभावशाली
Presumptuousढीठ, ध्रष्ट, कल्पित, अक्खड़, अभिमानी, गुस्ताख़, भड़कीला
Rashउतावला, अतिशीघ्र, अविवेकपूर्ण, जल्दबाज़
Recklessअव्हेट, अविचारी, असावधान, ग़ाफ़िल, बेपरवाह, उतावला, अक्खड़, दु:साहसी
Sophomoricढीठ, भड़कीला, गुस्ताख़, ध्रष्ट, युवा, असावधान, लापरवाह, नासमझ, बेवकूफ

Brash FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Brash is, ढीठ, भड़कीला, ध्रष्ट, गुस्ताख़, आशंकित, हैरान, तनावग्रस्त.

Similar words for Brash are Impetuous, Reckless, Slapdash.

The Definition of Brash is self-assertive in a rude.

Cautious, Discreet, Careful, are antonyms of the Brash word.

Brash is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2507
  Post Category :  B Letter Words and Meaning