Find Hindi meaning of Contemptible. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Contemptible" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Contemptible" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitiondeserving contempt; despicable.
Hindi Meaning of Contemptibleअवमान्य, घृणित, तिरस्करणीय, तुच्छ, निचा, घिनौना, वीभत्स
Synonyms of ContemptibleAbhorrent, Despicable, Disgusting
Antonyms of ContemptibleAdmirable, Respectable, Worthy

Use of "Contemptible" word in sentences, examples

  • The contemptible Sheriff Joe Arpaio charged with being in contempt.
  • Hamas slams 'contemptible' Abbas condolences to Peres family
  • 'This is contemptible! I shouldn't have believed it of you! To force yourself. To insult me.'
  • Donald Trump is a contemptible mountebank. He is incapable of forming, much less following, a coherent programme.
  • Here the Kremlin mirrors most Russians, who find Obama a puzzling and contemptible man.

Similar words of "Contemptible"

Exemplaryअच्छा, अनुकरणीय, आदर्श, कठोर, द्रष्टान्त योग्य, प्रतिदर्श, उदाहरण योग्य, नमूना
Obnoxiousअधीन, अप्रिय, घ्रणित, बुरा, अनुचित, आपत्तिजनक, वर्जनीय, नामुनासिब
Wretchedघिनौना, घृणित, दयनीय, निकम्मा, नीच, तकलीफदेह, अत्यंत दु:खी

Contemptible FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Contemptible is, अवमान्य, घृणित, तिरस्करणीय, तुच्छ, निचा, घिनौना, वीभत्स.

Similar words for Contemptible are Abhorrent, Despicable, Disgusting.

The Definition of Contemptible is deserving contempt; despicable..

Admirable, Respectable, Worthy, are antonyms of the Contemptible word.

Contemptible is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2294
  Post Category :  C Letter Words and Meaning