Find Hindi meaning of Dastardly. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Dastardly" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Dastardly" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionwicked and cruel.
Hindi Meaning of Dastardlyकायर, डरपोक, बुजदिल, भीरु, कातर, नीच
Synonyms of DastardlyChickenhearted, Cowardly, Craven
Antonyms of DastardlyBrave, Courageous, Audacious

Use of "Dastardly" word in sentences, examples

  • Worst person on earth reveals himself with dastardly Halloween prank
  • Dual cylinder deadbolts don't deter doers of dastardly deeds
  • Mr Hale condemned the dastardly attack on the police college and expressed his profound sorrow over the tragic loss of lives.
  • Fans of the comics knew the character was dastardly, brutally killing fan favourite Glenn with his infamous weapon, a bat named Lucille.
  • Its ghostly presence isn't linked to some awful murder or dastardly deeds by past residents.

Similar words of "Dastardly"

Pusillanimousडरपोक, क़तर, कायर, भीरु, उत्साहहीन मनुष्य, नीच

Dastardly FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Dastardly is, कायर, डरपोक, बुजदिल, भीरु, कातर, नीच.

Similar words for Dastardly are Chickenhearted, Cowardly, Craven.

The Definition of Dastardly is wicked and cruel..

Brave, Courageous, Audacious, are antonyms of the Dastardly word.

Dastardly is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2359
  Post Category :  D Letter Words and Meaning