Find Hindi meaning of Deride. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Deride" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Deride" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionexpress contempt for; ridicule.
Hindi Meaning of Derideमजाक उड़ाना, उपहास करना, ठिठोली करना, हंसना, हंसी उड़ाना, अवज्ञा करना, ताना मारना
Synonyms of DerideGibe, Jeer, Jest
Antonyms of DerideFlatter, Revere, Regard

Use of "Deride" word in sentences, examples

  • He renewed his endorsement for the kind of "stop-and-frisk" police practices that critics deride as racial profiling.
  • We openly mock the gender monsoon of pronouns offered to students; we deridepoliticians who call taxes "revenue."
  • That's the Minecraft recipe, of course, and it would be all too easy to deride Dragon Quest Builders as a cheap Minecraft rip-off. 
  • “Each day I have heard critics attempt to deride my father's business. 
  • Halloween is not to deride culture.

Similar words of "Deride"

Jeerचुटकी लेना, उपहास करना, मजाक उड़ाना, ठिठोली करना, चिड़ाना
Mockहंसी, उपहास, बनावटी,नक़ल
Ridiculeउपहास, परिहास, हंसी
Scoffहंसी, उपहास, तन, अवज्ञा करना, अपमान करना, ठट्ठा करना, कटाक्ष करना
Twitअवमानना, पाजी, बेवकूफ, चिड़ाना, तंग करना, ताना मारना, तिरस्कार, आक्षेप

Deride FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Deride is, मजाक उड़ाना, उपहास करना, ठिठोली करना, हंसना, हंसी उड़ाना, अवज्ञा करना, ताना मारना.

Similar words for Deride are Gibe, Jeer, Jest.

The Definition of Deride is express contempt for; ridicule..

Flatter, Revere, Regard, are antonyms of the Deride word.

Deride is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4111
  Post Category :  D Letter Words and Meaning