Find Hindi meaning of Disdain. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Disdain" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Disdain" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionconsider to be unworthy of one's consideration.
Hindi Meaning of Disdainअवहेलना करना, घृणा करना, तिरस्कार करना, निफरत करना, अवमानना करना, उपेक्षा करना, तुच्छ समझना
Synonyms of DisdainContempt, Despite, Scorn
Antonyms of DisdainAdmiration, Esteem, Respect

Use of "Disdain" word in sentences, examples

  • Don't listen to those who disdain Hillary
  • Trump's disdain for political correctness would be harmful for America
  • Trump's disdain for preparation adds to debate pressures
  • I am Surprised Bob Dylan isn't French, or a cat. For a creature neither French nor a cat, Bob Dylan sure is a master of disdain.
  • But when forced to weigh Trump's behavior against their disdain for Clinton, the women at Granny's say it's not even close.

Similar words of "Disdain"

Despiseघटिया समझना, तुच्छ समझना, निम्न समझना, उपेक्षा करना, घृणा करना, तिरस्कार करना, दूर भागना
Empathyप्रनुभूति, समानुभिति, दया, करुणा, हमदर्दी, रहम, तरस खाना
Respectआदर, ख्याल, पहल, लगाव, सन्धर्भ रखना
Scornठुकराना, नफरत,तिरस्कार,उपहास,इन्कार करना, तुच्छ, समझना, हंसी उड़ाना
Sneerव्यंगात्मक मुस्कान, उपहास, उपहास, नाक चढ़ाना, हंसी उड़ाना, नाक-भों सिकोड़ना

Disdain FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Disdain is, अवहेलना करना, घृणा करना, तिरस्कार करना, निफरत करना, अवमानना करना, उपेक्षा करना, तुच्छ समझना.

Similar words for Disdain are Contempt, Despite, Scorn.

The Definition of Disdain is consider to be unworthy of one's consideration..

Admiration, Esteem, Respect, are antonyms of the Disdain word.

Disdain is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3997
  Post Category :  D Letter Words and Meaning