Find Hindi meaning of Distress. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Distress" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Distress" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitionextremely pain or fear
Hindi Meaning of Distressपरेशानी, विपत्ति, व्यथा, कठिनाई, दु:ख निराशा, उदासी
Synonyms of DistressAffliction, Anguish, Agony
Antonyms of DistressComfort, Happiness, Pleasure

Use of "Distress" word in sentences, examples

  • Punjab creates special fund to prevent distress selling by farmers
  • Plane seen in distress above northern beaches
  • It is trying to underplay the widespread rural distress by manipulating the MGNREGA demand," party spokesman Manish Tewari told reporters.
  • The courts system is in distress, threatening the proper dispensation of justice, the President of the Supreme Court warned on Wednesday.
  • The thefts came to light when the resident became distressed about the low level of funds in her account.

Similar words of "Distress"

Agonyव्यथा, संताप, अति पीड़ा, मृत्यु यंत्रणा, कष्ट, यत्न, वेदना
Ailबीमारी, रोग, कष्ट, व्याधि, दु:ख, वेदना, विपत्ति
Anguishसंताप, वेदना, मनोव्यथा, तीर्व, दु:ख खिन्नता, निराशा, क्षोभ
Anxietyचिन्ता, फ़िक्र, आशंका, उत्सुकता, घबराहट, बेचैनी
Malaiseअस्वस्थता, बेचैनी, रुग्णता, व्यग्रता, व्याकुलता, विकार, चित्तविकृति
Mirthझूम, प्रमोद, उल्ल्लास, प्रसन्नता, आनंद, ख़ुशी, चुहल, हर्ष
Partakeसम्मिलित होना, ग्रहण करना, भाग लेना, सहभागी होना, अनुकरण करना
Revelरंगरलिया, आनंदोत्सव, ऐश, खुश फिरना, हल्ला करना, हंगामा करना, मौज करना
Sootheहल्का करना, आराम पहुँचना, चापलूसी करना, शांत करना
Wallowबहुतायत में होना, लड़खड़ाना, लुढ़कना, लोटना, मौज मनाना, खुश होना, अधमता

Distress FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Distress is, परेशानी, विपत्ति, व्यथा, कठिनाई, दु:ख निराशा, उदासी.

Similar words for Distress are Affliction, Anguish, Agony.

The Definition of Distress is extremely pain or fear.

Comfort, Happiness, Pleasure, are antonyms of the Distress word.

Distress is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4853
  Post Category :  D Letter Words and Meaning