Find Hindi meaning of Drastic. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Drastic" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Drastic" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definition radical and extreme.
Hindi Meaning of Drasticप्रचण्ड, प्रबल, शक्तिशाली, अतिवादी, स्वछन्द, उग्र, तेज़, वेगपूर्ण
Synonyms of DrasticDire, Radical, Strong
Antonyms of DrasticCal, Easy, Superiicial

Use of "Drastic" word in sentences, examples

  • The taste of drastic emetic is so pungent that it cannot be swallowed.
  • Drastic social changes brought about by the British rule.
  • He is a drastic follower of the football game
  • Aurangzeb was the most drastic emperor of Mughal dynasty.
  • A sudden drastic downfall in world economy causes a reduction in GDP rate.

Drastic FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Drastic is, प्रचण्ड, प्रबल, शक्तिशाली, अतिवादी, स्वछन्द, उग्र, तेज़, वेगपूर्ण .

Similar words for Drastic are Dire, Radical, Strong.

The Definition of Drastic is  radical and extreme..

Cal, Easy, Superiicial, are antonyms of the Drastic word.

Drastic is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4014
  Post Category :  D Letter Words and Meaning