Find Hindi meaning of Dupable. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Dupable" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Dupable" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Type
Word Definition
Hindi Meaning of Dupableप्रवचननीय, मिथ्याभाषी, आशुविश्वासी, अपरिवर्तनीय, निष्कपट, अकृत्रिम, सहज
Synonyms of DupableGullible, Credulous, Naive
Antonyms of DupableSkeptical, Suspecting, Untrusting

Use of "Dupable" word in sentences, examples

  • Comparably dupable readers pointed out that in one quatrain, Nostradamus used the word Hister, the Latin name for the Danube River.
  • There are various and complex authentication steps to such facial recognition systems, which is not the case with dupable fingerprint scanners.
  • For a short time, I worked as a telemarketer, selling reading supplies to dupable literates.
  • And, the best news for us is, most of these looks are easily dupable.
  • Say, the ambushing of Paramount CEO Brad Grey), ALL a manufacturing of a Product named Tom Cruise, to sell to the dupable masses.

Similar words of "Dupable"

Gullibleसीधा, सरल, भोला-भला, अनुभवहीन, अनाड़ी, नौसिखिया

Dupable FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Dupable is, प्रवचननीय, मिथ्याभाषी, आशुविश्वासी, अपरिवर्तनीय, निष्कपट, अकृत्रिम, सहज.

Similar words for Dupable are Gullible, Credulous, Naive.

Skeptical, Suspecting, Untrusting, are antonyms of the Dupable word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2191
  Post Category :  D Letter Words and Meaning