Find Hindi meaning of Exhaustive. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Exhaustive" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Exhaustive" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionincluding or considering all elements or aspects
Hindi Meaning of Exhaustiveथकाने वाला, परिपूर्ण, पूरा, पूर्ण, व्यापक, सुविस्तृत, सोखने वाला, खाली करने वाला
Synonyms of ExhaustiveIntensive, Thorough, Complete
Antonyms of ExhaustiveExclusive, Incomplete, Deficient

Use of "Exhaustive" word in sentences, examples

  • The exhaustive global study found emissions from oil, gas and coal sites are between 20 and 60 percent higher than many earlier estimates.
  • That feeling when the ability of your Board members to do their jobs is exhaustivelydiscussed.
  • Three slides provide exhaustive fun for children while demonstrating the science behind friction.
  • New York Magazine has an exhaustive list of allegations made by women against Donald Trump.
  • Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of risks, uncertainties and other factors is not exhaustive. 

Similar words of "Exhaustive"

Thoroughआघन्त, सरासर, शुरू से अंत तक, के माध्यम से, आघोपन्त, बदौलत सीधा

Exhaustive FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Exhaustive is, थकाने वाला, परिपूर्ण, पूरा, पूर्ण, व्यापक, सुविस्तृत, सोखने वाला, खाली करने वाला.

Similar words for Exhaustive are Intensive, Thorough, Complete.

The Definition of Exhaustive is including or considering all elements or aspects.

Exclusive, Incomplete, Deficient, are antonyms of the Exhaustive word.

Exhaustive is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4321
  Post Category :  E Letter Words and Meaning