Find Hindi meaning of Exonerate. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Exonerate" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Exonerate" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionrelease someone from duty
Hindi Meaning of Exonerateहक़ बहाल किया हुआ, भारमुक्त करा, निर्दोष ठहरना, छोड़ देना, बरी करना, छुटकारा देना
Synonyms of ExonerateAbsolve, Vindicate, Clear
Antonyms of ExonerateAccuse, Incrintinate, Condemn

Use of "Exonerate" word in sentences, examples

  • In recent days, the petition launched by the Rosenberg Fund for Children (RFC) aimed at exonerating Ethel Rosenberg has taken off.
  • In most cases, the exonerated in Pennsylvania receive no compensation or reimbursement for time spent in prison.
  • Yet this does not exonerate Islam, for its “religious construct” was designed to entice such men.
  • “So let's do the right thing and let's bring Joe home and what's exonerate him it's time” demanded Sandra Trevino. 
  • “DNA tests can now exonerate bears who might have been euthanized before.”

Similar words of "Exonerate"

Accuseदोष लगाना, अभियुक्त ठहराना, आरोप, अभियोग लगाना, इल्जाम लगाना, भला-बुरा कहना
Imputeआरोप, लांछन लगाना, अध्यारोपण करना, दोष मढ़ना, उत्तरदायी तेहरान, क्ष्रय देना
Indictदोष लगाना, अभियोग लगाना, आक्षेप लगाना, दोषोरोपण करना, उत्तरदायी, ठहरना
Vindicateसंभालना, साबित कर देना, समर्थन, सिद्ध करना, रक्षा करना, स्थापना करना, बदला लेना

Exonerate FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Exonerate is, हक़ बहाल किया हुआ, भारमुक्त करा, निर्दोष ठहरना, छोड़ देना, बरी करना, छुटकारा देना.

Similar words for Exonerate are Absolve, Vindicate, Clear.

The Definition of Exonerate is release someone from duty.

Accuse, Incrintinate, Condemn, are antonyms of the Exonerate word.

Exonerate is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4640
  Post Category :  E Letter Words and Meaning