Find Hindi meaning of Fanatic. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Fanatic" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Fanatic" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiona person filled with single-minded zeal
Hindi Meaning of Fanaticपक्षपाती, हठी, कट्टरपंथी, उन्मादी, धर्मोन्मत, सनकी, दुष्ट, व्यक्ति
Synonyms of FanaticExtremist, Radical, Revolutionary
Antonyms of FanaticBalanced, Moderate, Conservative

Use of "Fanatic" word in sentences, examples

  • Golf fanatics, beware, there's a bigger golf addict than you.
  • A deep, settled, fanatic delirium was in his eyes.
  • If the horseracing fanatic, Brandon, was there, he'd call this man a wild mustang.
  • At that moment it was in a state of - open rebellion, stirred up by a religious fanatic who proclaimed himself a mahdi of Islam.
  • Much influenced by Melchior Hofman, he had no sympathy with the fanatic violence of the Minster faction.

Similar words of "Fanatic"

Freakअनूठा, उभंग, झलक, लहर, सनकी, वैरूप्य, वहमी, मनमौजी, झक्की
Votaryसमर्थक, अनुयायी, उपासक, धर्मसंधि, भक्त, साक्ष्य, प्रामाणिक

Fanatic FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Fanatic is, पक्षपाती, हठी, कट्टरपंथी, उन्मादी, धर्मोन्मत, सनकी, दुष्ट, व्यक्ति.

Similar words for Fanatic are Extremist, Radical, Revolutionary.

The Definition of Fanatic is a person filled with single-minded zeal.

Balanced, Moderate, Conservative, are antonyms of the Fanatic word.

Fanatic is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2376
  Post Category :  F Letter Words and Meaning