Find Hindi meaning of Finite. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Finite" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Finite" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionlimited in size or extent
Hindi Meaning of Finiteपरिमित, सीमाबद्ध, सिमित, सुनिश्चित, परिसीमित, संकीर्ण
Synonyms of FiniteDefinite, Limited, Precise
Antonyms of FiniteEndless, Infinite, Unlimited

Use of "Finite" word in sentences, examples

  • Company had only finite sources to pay the debts of the shareholder before bankruptcy.
  • You can count finite number greater than one and less than ten.
  • Our destiny is finite according to our karma.
  • In English, tense must be expressed in all finite verb phrases.
  • A finite set is a set that has a finite number of elements.

Similar words of "Finite"

Myriadअनगिनत, असंख्य लाखो, हजारो, बहुत-सा, दस सहस्र, बड़ी संख्या

Finite FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Finite is, परिमित, सीमाबद्ध, सिमित, सुनिश्चित, परिसीमित, संकीर्ण.

Similar words for Finite are Definite, Limited, Precise.

The Definition of Finite is limited in size or extent.

Endless, Infinite, Unlimited, are antonyms of the Finite word.

Finite is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3378
  Post Category :  F Letter Words and Meaning