Find Hindi meaning of Forthright. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Forthright" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Forthright" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitiondirect and outspoken a person manner while speaking
Hindi Meaning of Forthrightस्पष्टवादी, मुखर, खरा, निष्कपट, निष्पक्ष, सच्चा, सरल, सुस्पष्ट, सीधा-सदा
Synonyms of ForthrightCandid, Direct, Honest
Antonyms of ForthrightDevious, Dishonest, Truthful

Use of "Forthright" word in sentences, examples

  • Now, one person's "aggressive" is another person's "forthright."
  • Tim Howard has hailed new Swansea City boss Bob Bradley and insists he is the most forthright manager he's played under in his career.
  • His press officer promises he will be in forthright mood and she's not wrong. 
  • What do you need?” And then he was very forthright about it, like, “A dildo. I'm going to throw it at Chris Hogan.”
  • Because I knew what he had done was not be transparent and forthright about his taxes and to this day he hasn't released his tax returns.

Similar words of "Forthright"

Candidसाफ़ दिल का, खरा, निर्भीक, निष्कपट, निष्पक्ष, सच्चा, सरल, सुस्पष्ट
Clandestineअप्रकट, अव्यक्त, गुप्त, प्रछन्न, छिपा हुआ रहस्य्मय, गुपचुप तरीके से
Elusiveपरिहारकारी, निवारणकर्ता, भ्रान्तिजनक, चालाक, दुष्प्राप्त, दुर्ग्राहा भटकाने वाला
Frankखुले दिल वाला, स्पष्ट, स्पष्टीकरण, खरा, निष्कपट, सच्चा, साफ़, मुक्त करना, उन्मुक्त
Fraudकपट, चल, ढोंगी, दगा, धोखा, धोकेबाज, नकली, जालसाज
Furtiveगुप्त, रहस्य्मय, चुराया हुआ, चोरी का, कपटपूर्ण, नीच, अव्यक्त, अप्रसन्न प्रछन्न
Obliqueतिर्यक, पेंचदार, झुका हुआ, अप्रत्यक्ष, अलम्ब्वत तिरछा, घुमावदार, वक्र
Sanctimoniousपाखंडी, धूर्त, बगुला भगत, धर्म प्रयाण, दिखावटी, सतही, असभ्य
Stealthyगुप्त, छिपकर आने वाला, चोरी से किया गया काम, जाली, छलपूर्ण, प्रछन्न, अव्यक्त
Swindleछल, ठग, धोखा, प्रताड़ना, ठग लेना, चल से लूट लेना, फुसलाना, धोखा देना
Treacherousअधर्मी, अविश्वासी, अस्थिर, कपटी, चली, विश्वघाती, जोशिम भरा

Forthright FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Forthright is, स्पष्टवादी, मुखर, खरा, निष्कपट, निष्पक्ष, सच्चा, सरल, सुस्पष्ट, सीधा-सदा.

Similar words for Forthright are Candid, Direct, Honest.

The Definition of Forthright is direct and outspoken a person manner while speaking.

Devious, Dishonest, Truthful, are antonyms of the Forthright word.

Forthright is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4676
  Post Category :  F Letter Words and Meaning