Find Hindi meaning of Fortitude. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Fortitude" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Fortitude" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitioncourage in pain or adversity
Hindi Meaning of Fortitudeधीरता, धैर्य, सहस, बहादुरी, दिलेरी, वीरता, शूरवीरता, शौर्य
Synonyms of FortitudeBravery, Courage, Mettle
Antonyms of FortitudeCowardice, Weakness, Helplessness

Use of "Fortitude" word in sentences, examples

  • Designer Nanette Lepore has a fortitude for fashion and money
  • Champ Peter Endersbee's fortitude passed biggest test.
  • Hillary Clinton doesn't have the fortitude, strength or stamina to lead in our world. She failed as secretary of state. 
  • Tech overcomes imperfections, injuries while displaying fortitude in big win at Pittsburgh. 
  • Quarterback Geno Smith of the New York Jets showed some patience and mental fortitude in his only start of the season.

Similar words of "Fortitude"

Valourसाहस, निडरता, पराक्रम, बहादुरी, शूरवीरता, दिलेरी, वीरता

Fortitude FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Fortitude is, धीरता, धैर्य, सहस, बहादुरी, दिलेरी, वीरता, शूरवीरता, शौर्य.

Similar words for Fortitude are Bravery, Courage, Mettle.

The Definition of Fortitude is courage in pain or adversity.

Cowardice, Weakness, Helplessness, are antonyms of the Fortitude word.

Fortitude is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5685
  Post Category :  F Letter Words and Meaning