Find Hindi meaning of Grave. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Grave" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Grave" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitionused as an allusive term for death
Hindi Meaning of Graveगम्भीर, शांत, कब्र, समाधी, चिंताजनक, बड़ा, भयानक, भरी, मंद, संगीन, महत्वपूर्ण
Synonyms of GraveEarnest, Severe, Serious
Antonyms of GraveFrivolous, Ridiculous, Funny

Use of "Grave" word in sentences, examples

  • He's never forgotten Vincent and Laura Fernald, the first grave he ever dug, nor any of the others.
  • A haunting 'frolick' beyond the grave.
  • Authorities have a person of interest they want to locate for questioning about the disturbance of a 74-year-old grave site.
  • The grave is one of a select few ancient Central Eurasian burials that archaeologists have found to contain Cannabis.
  • The grave contained a bronze mirror and six ivory combs, accessories the archaeologists were surprised to find in a warrior's tomb.

Similar words of "Grave"

Direभयानक, भीषण, खतरनाक, बेकार, न्रशंस, खराब, डरावना, भद्दा, कुरूप
Earnestअपरिहास, गाम्भीर्य, उत्साही, उघोगी, जोशीला, सच्चा, अपरिहासपूर्ण
Facetiousमजाकिया, विनोदी, हंसमुख, हँसोड़, हसीपद, मजेदार, विचित्र, दिल्लगीबाज
Frivolousआसार, उथला, ओछा, चंचल, तुच्छ, हल्का, जिन्दादिल, मामूली, नगण्य
Giddyअल्हड़, असावधान, अस्थिर, चंचल, चपल, चपल मंत्र, घूमता हुआ, भौचक्का करना
Hilariousआनन्ददायक, हास्यपद, कोलाहलपूर्ण, मजाकिया, मजेदार, मनोरंजक
Jocoseमजाकिया, हंसोड़, परिहासक, स्वांग, ठट्टा, दिल्लगी, कौतुकी, हसीकर
Jocularविनोदी, विनोदप्रिय, हँसोड़, मजाकिया, मजाकपसन्द, विनोदपूर्ण
Momentousमहत्वपूर्ण महान, जरुरी, बड़ा भरी, गुरुत्वपूर्ण, आवश्यक, भावी
Staidगंभीर, शांत, संतुलित, सौम्य, स्थिर, अचल, उबाऊ

Grave FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Grave is, गम्भीर, शांत, कब्र, समाधी, चिंताजनक, बड़ा, भयानक, भरी, मंद, संगीन, महत्वपूर्ण.

Similar words for Grave are Earnest, Severe, Serious.

The Definition of Grave is used as an allusive term for death.

Frivolous, Ridiculous, Funny, are antonyms of the Grave word.

Grave is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5989
  Post Category :  G Letter Words and Meaning