Find Hindi meaning of Gregarious. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Gregarious" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Gregarious" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionfond of company
Hindi Meaning of Gregariousमिलनसार, संघचारी, सामजिक, मैत्रीपूर्ण, हार्दिक, स्नेहमय, भीड़पसन्द
Synonyms of GregariousSocial, Outgoing, Extrovert
Antonyms of GregariousIntrovert, Unfriendly, Inhospitable

Use of "Gregarious" word in sentences, examples

  • The gregarious nature of the African grey has made it easy for trappers to cast nets over flocks at a time. 
  • Unlike his gregarious counterpart, Mugi is shy and rarely leaves the upstairs bedrooms.
  • "He's a remarkable musician, he's gregarious and exceptionally well-spoken, and a lot of fun," she said in the release.
  • But the atmosphere is far from clandestine—the Astor Room has become a popular watering hole for gregarious locals.
  • It's also an opportunity to meet with people one has not met for many years; there's this sense of gregarious joy.”

Similar words of "Gregarious"

Extrovertबहिमुर्खी, प्रकट, मिलनसार, संघचारी
Recluseसन्यासी, वैरागी, एकांतवासी, वानप्रस्थी, अकेला, एकांतसेवी, योगी, अरण्यवासी

Gregarious FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Gregarious is, मिलनसार, संघचारी, सामजिक, मैत्रीपूर्ण, हार्दिक, स्नेहमय, भीड़पसन्द.

Similar words for Gregarious are Social, Outgoing, Extrovert.

The Definition of Gregarious is fond of company.

Introvert, Unfriendly, Inhospitable, are antonyms of the Gregarious word.

Gregarious is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4654
  Post Category :  G Letter Words and Meaning