Find Hindi meaning of Hackneyed. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Hackneyed" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Hackneyed" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definition having been overused an idea
Hindi Meaning of Hackneyedघिसा-पीटा, अधम, तुच्छ, नीच, मामूली, साधारण, रूढ़िवादी, बासी, बेकार
Synonyms of HackneyedBanal, Stale, Timeworn
Antonyms of HackneyedOriginal, Fresh, Unused

Use of "Hackneyed" word in sentences, examples

  • With peppy music, bearable visuals and a hackneyed story line, this is two hours plus of juvenile attempts at humour.
  • It's not an exploration of the unconscious mind, but a hackneyed allegory portrayed with thudding literalism. 
  • There are a lot of people in this country about whom a lot has been written, but it has been in the same hackneyed way.
  • Totally irrational, it is a hackneyed British ploy that comes around every so often. Mark Carney does not share these delusions.
  • “Mark Twain – I know that's probably a hackneyed one, but he and I would do a lot of the same things.” 

Similar words of "Hackneyed"

Banalअत्यन्त, साधारण, मामूली, तुच्छ, अधम, नीच, आम बात, उद्धृत अंश, सामान्यक्ति
Triteघिसा-पिटा-जीर्ण, पुराना, तुच्छ मामूली, साधारण, सामान्य

Hackneyed FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Hackneyed is, घिसा-पीटा, अधम, तुच्छ, नीच, मामूली, साधारण, रूढ़िवादी, बासी, बेकार.

Similar words for Hackneyed are Banal, Stale, Timeworn.

The Definition of Hackneyed is  having been overused an idea.

Original, Fresh, Unused, are antonyms of the Hackneyed word.

Hackneyed is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4747
  Post Category :  H Letter Words and Meaning