Find Hindi meaning of Harrowing. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Harrowing" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Harrowing" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionacutely distressing.
Hindi Meaning of Harrowingखौफनाक, दु:खदायी, कष्टकारी, पीड़ादायी, अतिवेदना, संताप देना, यन्त्रणा देना
Synonyms of HarrowingAgonizing, Anguishing, Excruciating
Antonyms of HarrowingCalming, Pleasant, Straight

Use of "Harrowing" word in sentences, examples

  • The harrowing evidence left relatives in tears in the public gallery as they heard the injuries sustained by the baby who was in his care.
  • "Excepting at night I have only seen three fine subjects with masses of men - one a harrowing sight, a field full of gassed and blindfolded men.".
  • The track features Ariana Deboo on the hook, and the visuals are a harrowing look at the many stages of withdrawal.
  • A harrowing recording of a terrified pensioner's 999 call has been released by police after she was targeted by cruel Halloween trick or treaters.
  • And police have now released the harrowing footage after announcing the four cops at the scene have been placed on paid leave.

Harrowing FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Harrowing is, खौफनाक, दु:खदायी, कष्टकारी, पीड़ादायी, अतिवेदना, संताप देना, यन्त्रणा देना.

Similar words for Harrowing are Agonizing, Anguishing, Excruciating.

The Definition of Harrowing is acutely distressing..

Calming, Pleasant, Straight, are antonyms of the Harrowing word.

Harrowing is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3030
  Post Category :  H Letter Words and Meaning