Find Hindi meaning of Harsh. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Harsh" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Harsh" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionunpleasantly rough 
Hindi Meaning of Harshकठोर, कड़ा, सख्त, अरुचिकर, कटु, कठोर, कड़वा, कर्कश, खुरदरा, अप्रिय
Synonyms of HarshCoarse, Jagged, Rugged
Antonyms of HarshMild, Pleasing, Soft

Use of "Harsh" word in sentences, examples

  • Comey in harsh spotlight of 2016 campaign. 
  • “But I don't think we deserved to lose the game, 3-1 is a bit harsh."
  • It's easy to forget how harsh the universe can be as we sit down here, nestled inside the Earth's protective magnetic field. 
  • Allardyce's penalty was too harsh. 
  • All of this means that the guy can be little bullheaded and harsh when it comes to leadership, but the results speak for themselves.

Similar words of "Harsh"

Acridतिक्त, तीता, कड़वा, कटुतिक्त, तीक्ष्ण, कटु, कसैला
Daintyसुरुचिकर, सुकुमार, स्वादिष्ट, प्रसाद, मृदु, सुहावना, रुचिर, मधुर
Delicateकोमल, सुकुमार, मृदु, उत्कृष्ट, उत्तम, बढ़िया, सूक्ष्म, बारीक, नाजुक, संवेदनशील
Dourकठोर, रुखा, शीतल, सूना, उजाड़, उदास, निर्जन, सुनसान, अकेला, जनशून्य
Jarringकर्कश, कर्णकटु, तीखा, भीषण आवाज, विरोध, संघर्ष, टक्कर, धक्का, झनकारना
Lenientकोमल, दयालु, नरम, मुलायम, कृपालु, अनुग्रहणशील, नाजुक, मध्यम, मृदु
Sternसख्त, कड़ा, निर्गम, कर्कश, पृष्ठ भाग जहाज या नाव का
Subtleतीव्र, धूर्त, परिष्कृत, संवेदी, सूक्ष्म, हल्का, तीव्र बुद्धि, कठिन, कपटी, तीक्ष्ण

Harsh FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Harsh is, कठोर, कड़ा, सख्त, अरुचिकर, कटु, कठोर, कड़वा, कर्कश, खुरदरा, अप्रिय.

Similar words for Harsh are Coarse, Jagged, Rugged.

The Definition of Harsh is unpleasantly rough .

Mild, Pleasing, Soft, are antonyms of the Harsh word.

Harsh is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4104
  Post Category :  H Letter Words and Meaning